04 July 2007

Jess' Bambi

Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.


*This is by far one of my most favorite shots EVER!! This past weekend we spotted so many deer along the parkway but this was nothing like the other sightings. For this was more than just a mere glimpse. We stopped at this overlook loop off the parkway that we had hiked through the night before because I needed to get a picture of this new flower I identified. But as we pulled in the parking area Cody spotted this doe and as I hung out of the window trying to get the shot we realized that we just had to get closer. I got out of the vehicle and slowly crept up to the field. At first he ran off, but then as I walked closer he darted out from behind a bush less than 7 feet away from me! Hidden behind the brush now we could only see the tail pointing straight up in the air as he/she could still sense our presence. Cody was flanking the left as I patiently waited for him to coax the deer out of the wooded area. Once it was confirmed that I was ready Cody ran up behind the little guy and he ended up in the clearing which was exactly where I was hoping he would go. It was truly exciting & I don't think I'll ever forget how cute the doe was. It was definitely the highlight of my weekend!!!!

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