30 July 2007


This would be me as a Simpson's character. Everyone else is doing it...................
Look there is even a scar on my neck like the real thing (from my surgery). I'm even thinking about getting bangs cut now - they look pretty good on the Simpson Jessica!
Apparently this has become mighty popular so good luck getting through!

*Update: You could say that we are pretty much moved now. The sunshine gods were definitely shining down over the weekend since there wasn't any rain as it was forecast. My initial thought was always that "We don't have a lot of stuff" but boy was I wrong. When you start pulling it out of every nook and cranny it really adds up. I am just amazed at how much stuff was really in my apartment. When I first moved here everything I brought fit in my car which is little too. Finding a new place for everything in the house is a challenge in deed. But for now it's all coming together slowly but surely. The most important thing is that we are out of the apartment, we've been sleeping at the new place since Friday night. I've slept amazingly well so far which is great since I usually have somewhat of a hard time. Oh and this morning it took me less than 2 minutes to get to work! How awesome is that. Soon everything will have it's place but for now I can live with some boxes lying around.

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