24 September 2007

Corn Maze

So, the Sunday Craze was a good ol' fashion Corn Maze. Once we were there the excitement started to fill the air. You see I had never been in a Corn Maze before so I was looking forward to it. This maze had somewhat of a purpose if you can imagine - once we paid our admission we were given a bright yellow card with questions, six to be exact. And the object was to find these mailboxes scattered throughout the maze which contained the answers to all questions on our yellow card. Once we entered we could hear the son of the family before us yell "I found one!" which got my butt in gear. We sped up to try and follow their voices thinking that we would find the one they were at, but we didn't. Thankfully we found the boxes on our own without cheating! haha Once we were found all of our boxes we exited the maze and the family that had gone in about 10 minutes before us were just coming out as well. Once we were up at the ticket tent the owner lady made the comment about how fast Cody and I had gotten through the maze - according to her we may have the Corn Maze scavenger hunt record!!! hahaha I know I'm a dork but who cares cause we won. Technically, we really didn't win anything but whatever. Anyhow, with our admission we were also entitled to a free round of "sling shot try to get the tennis ball in the inter tubes in the middle of the lake game" (do you have a shorter name?!) This was pretty fun, by this time we were reduced to a child like demeanor as we launched the balls with the human sized slingshots. Neither one of us got it in the middle of a tube although I did hit one which counted for something. All in all we had an awesome time. The owners were watching me take pictures and at the end asked if I would mind emailing them the copies if I got anything good to update their website. I have thought about the maze a number of times today and I actually want to go back to play again (maybe after Vegas though) and hopefully not be so rushed. We didn't get there until 6:10 or so and they were only open till 7 but we made the best of it and had a great time. O' to be a youngster again................

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