05 December 2007

~ Where Clouds and Peaks Meet ~

Only 507 biospheres exist worldwide and Grandfather Mountain is the only one that is privately owned. To meet biosphere criteria, properties must have global ecological significance. They must also be legally protected from development, have a history of scientific study, and provide for public education. At 5,634 feet above sea level it is the highest peak in the Blue Ridge Range. What's more amazing is that the mountain itself is said to be 65 million years old!
Me being the semi-adventurous soul I have become the hike I wanted to do was one that had cables and ladders in-place because if I remember right I thought it would be fun! The hike went for longer than one mile but our time constraints wouldn't really allow us to go any further, but maybe next time. Our hike took us to a fabulous view of Macrae's Peak and as trying as some sections were for me it was well worth the difficulty involved. The boulder-strewn path was enough to get your heart pumping but didn't push too hard, the problems I had were with some of the steeper parts of the ascent as we reached the pinnacle, but you'll here about those later on. The views were absolutely spectacular; and the continuity of the mountains lend an emotional depth which holds an ethereal beauty I believe all should bear witness to at some point in their lives.

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