09 January 2008

Daily Dose

Nature is my medicine.
~Sara Moss-Wolfe

These photos were taken at Crab Orchard Falls on Sunday afternoon. It wasn't the most spectacular waterfall I have seen before but the appeal surrounding this place was the fact that neither one of us had ever heard of it before. And to think it was not too far from where we live. For Christmas Cody got me a hiking and photography guide to North Carolina Waterfalls book, which is how we found out about it. I wonder how many locals know about this place? It's probably better that it's not widely known, especially since it's privately owned. Maybe if there were too many people coming and going they might be more inclined to deny public access?! It's sad sometimes crossing paths with those who have no respect for the beauty that surrounds us, leaving trash behind, not staying on designated paths, etc. Those people can ruin it for the rest of us! This is the green Jessica talking, I've been thinking about what I can do this year to be more green all day long! It started with hauling off 7 huge trash bags of plastic bottles from my office to the dump for recycling. I can't believe how much waste we produce in such a short amount of time. My idea is to buy water coolers, which hopefully will reduce the amount of plastic bottles we consume as well as save the office a little bit of money in the meantime. After talking to MT (one of my boss') today, I was given the go ahead to make the purchases! I was expecting some sort of a fight but I suppose that maybe I made a good point?!


  1. Good suggestion! You'll save some $ for your employer. If you can keep this up, which i think you're capable of, you'll get bigger pay raises in the future.
    Keep up the good work....
