28 February 2008


Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven.
-Yiddish Proverb

(Click links to see photos individually)

1. Same Scene A, 2. Same Scene B, 3. Same Scene Final

*I haven't been so inclined to take any TtV shots recently, so here is a quasi-replacement for the ~Juxtapose~. The first image is SOC (straight-out-camera), the second has some minor brightness/contrast adjustments, and the third has had a complete make-over, using cross-processing. Personally, I like the final, cross-processed version, especially compared to the drab and nearly colorless original.
I'd love to know which one you like better out of the three.

If you liked this post, check out these other comparisons:


  1. I like the first one best. I think the shape of the plant shows up best there.
    I guess it depends what you are after.

  2. jm i'll go for No.3 so rich and hold's the golden done it again.bye

  3. sian: I can't argue with you there, I certainly agree with you on that aspect.

    POD: 2 votes for # 3....

    thanks you two!

  4. Oh definitely the final shot!

    As you know I love playing around with photos to create an unusual piece of art from a simple snapshot... so maybe I am biased?

    yay for Corel! LOL :-D
