16 April 2008

FYI - Competition Winners

Dale King and his image Solitary Cloud entered in the Blue Ridge Parkway Vistas Category took top honors receiving Best In Show. Category Winners acknowledge the top image in each of the seven competition categories and will receive Mast General Store prize packages with a retail value of $275.

Stone Mountain Climbers by Patrick Pitzer
Blue Ridge Parkway Journey
Beneath the Viaduct by Colby Rabon
Blue Ridge Parkway Vistas
Rough Ridge 360 by Rick Rapfogel
Dave Duke Sorts Tobacco by Robert & Shiiko
Venus by Brad Douglas
Flora & Fauna
Hosta 800 by Pat Pilchard
Rainy Woods by Rick Rapfogel

This year marked the largest participation in the People's Choice Award sponsored by Footsloggers Outdoor and Travel Outfitters with more than 1,100 individually registered voters casting nearly 2,400 total votes. In the end Scott Hotaling and his image Mountain Calm will take home the $350 cash prize.

Judges were also asked to identify images of distinction and merit to receive Special Mention honors and an additional ten photographers have been recognized.

Meadow Nap by Heidi Hatcher
Blue Ridge Parkway Vistas
Valley Farm by Tommy Shine
Blue Ridge Parkway Vistas
Bird's Eye View by Dale Forrest
French Swiss Ski Rental by Roger Bodo
Neal's Grocery by Robert and Shiiko Alexander
Pumping Station by Kerry Puckett
Flora & Fauna
Brook Trout by Scott Brown
Sunrise After Ice Storm by Bob Peterson
Elk Mountain by Charles King
Angry Morning by Neal Auspitz

All forty-six images selected for the 2008 exhibition will remain on display in the Mezzanine Gallery of the Turchin Center for the visual arts through June 7 and images can be viewed at This summer the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation will take select images on the road to community and art centers along the Blue Ridge Parkway corridor.


  1. jessica after going again through the photos i don't agree with the list.the one that came top yes and two others, but the rest didn't do anything for me.what do i know after a lifetime in art.i know jessica it's in the doing and the's nice like me,who cares at the end of the is to short.don't look back at life get on with the things that make you happy.God as bless me i can do the art i want within my illness.He healed my right foot two weeks ago.i have no pain no more. the Doc's have been try for 18 months but didn't have a clue.having Charcot Marie Tooth find out more go to iwas born with it but didn't find out till i was 54 took all those year to find what was wrong with me but over those years my art changed.had to give up sport at 18 the years after were hard to get through i mist out playing why me then i got it to gether as i say life is to short.last year i did well over a hundred works of art.God as blessed me.Don't be hard on yourself you are not perfect no is anyone know what i think of your work.Love from the old man POD.

  2. Pod: I appreciate it, believe me.....moving on I am.......
