02 April 2008

...:::Time Well Spent:::...


Relax Artcard Collage

I made this one about a week and a half ago after an Acupuncture appointment. The person administering my treatment (we'll call him N) was concerned that I don't "Relax" enough. N's right, sometimes I don't. More often than not, I feel like I should be doing something, you know. N insisted that I go home and soak in the tub, if you know me, then you know that I'm not a bath person. I feel like it's a waste of time! Go figure. I heeded his advice, and once I got home, soaked in a hot steaming bath. It was much easier for me to relax because I wasn't trying to read a book or anything. The last time I tried to take a bath was a complete disaster, trying not to get the book wet, and my feet wouldn't reach the end of the bathtub......I tell ya.....It was not relaxing AT ALL! This time was different, I was so calm that I actually fell asleep! I woke up and thought to myself, "hmmm that must have been relaxing!". Yeah yeah, I know that I could have drowned or something but whatever, at least I did it long enough to stop fidgeting! I have taken a bath since then as N instructed, although those times I didn't fall asleep, basically just soaking for my muscle's sake. I find that I am usually feeling pretty tranquil after an Acupuncture treatment, so following up with a soak is just what I need.......

What do you do to relax after a long day or week at work?

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  1. Now that card is a beaut! I like! A lot :-)

    Relaxing after a long day? Jammies, blogging and a glass of wine... or a hot choc... and a hot bubble bath on cold winter nights.

    When Vegas is around then massages are definitely the way to go :-)

  2. gorgeous! your art is so beautiful, you have a fantastic sense of design. can't wait to read more :)

  3. oh, relaxing after a day - i like to watch bad TV, eat saltines, and flip through fashion magazines -

    or go for a long walk and listen to the New Yorker fiction podcast while snapping photos.


  4. So that card is one of my favorites to date. I love it!

    After a long day I like a nice glass or two, or three of red wine and a good trashy gossip mag. Reading about celebrity's crap makes me feel better.

  5. you are getting good at scrapingyou sent cody out to the dummper again poor chap he must love you .

  6. TD: Yay! I wish that I could say blogging was relaxing for me....hehe

    a little bird: Thank you...those sentiments warmed my heart :o)
    I like to take a walk after work and take photos too! It clears my head...

    1218: Do you ever watch TMZ?! I don't know why I insist on watching it, maybe it's for the same reason that you read the mags?!?! And thank you :o)

    POD: Cody does love me.....I know this for sure :) But the scraps for the artcards don't come from the dumpster silly......I clip them from magazines remember!!

  7. Beautiful card! I love taking bubble baths to relax. I'm definitely a reader while I'm in there though. Otherwise I can't justify the time spent! :)

  8. Well, I do take baths, but I read while I am in there, I guess that is how to justify the time.

    Oh, I need some acupuncture done soon. I love it. Sounds like you have a great practitioner.

  9. Believe it or not, I take my time getting out of work on Friday so that I don't have to deal with the mad rush home (I take public transportation part of the way - the 'el train). We'll order pizza and just relax around the house.

  10. Donna: I'm beginning to learn that I don't always need to justify the time I spend doing the things I just feel like doing, but then again, I don't have kids to take care of like you :o)

    Rebecca: It varies, I have a different person every week. They rotate their classes. But N is my favorite, and I always request him when he's there......and he's a cutie!!

    meridith: I don't blame you, I had the mad rush that you must endure at 5:00. I'm lucky that I don't have to worry about it anymore though. I live only 2 min away from work now!!
    Pizza and relax around the house......that's my kind of evening!!
