02 May 2008

Bittersweet Goodbye


Saying farewell is never very easy, especially when you were just getting comfortable. I almost forgot where I was; that I wasn't at "home". Traveling the coast has been a wonderful experience, although it didn't come without it's fair share of strife. Even though I wish that some things would not remain unchecked from my list, I am ready to be home again, safe, sound, and snug. Soon I will be sifting through the mounds of images I created while on the journey - I can't wait to share everything with you! It's late, I'm tired........we've got a big day of heading back home tomorrow.
~I am feeling the love~


  1. can't wait to hear all about your adventures on my side of the country! it really is beautiful here. i'm a transplant, so i still appreciate the warm weather and sandy beaches....

    ... glad you will be back to blogging soon, though :) i've missed you!

  2. Been missing you.waiting to see you back blogging.what a photo hope you have lots more like that.

  3. Thank you for the previews.

    Welcome Home!

    "Wherever you go, go with all your heart." ~Confucius

  4. I can't even believe that is a picture of a real place. So serene and amazing! I have got to get to California. Can't wait to see more photos.

  5. I second all the others... welcome home, you've been missed and can't wait to hear about your journey and even better, see some bits of it ;-)

  6. Yes, one of the best things about vacations -- even the greatest ones -- is coming home. (And I imagine that's particularly true if one lives in the mountains of North Carolina.)

    Can't wait to see your photography.

  7. Yey for trips and hardships that tend to go hand in hand.

  8. that's so poignant and beautiful
