08 July 2008

Moments : Stormy Weather

Moments : Stormy Weather

Today was sticky, rainy, and dreary.....
It's no surprise that I got sidetracked, and......
No excuses....
But I got the urge to work on some new stuff.......
The photo above was one thing I came up with.....
You could say, "It's Fresh"....haha....or not!
I also made an ArtCard and played with it in photoshop.....
I don't like it yet......
So I'll wait before sharing it with you :o)

Anyone have any "Moments" they want to share?


  1. I just read your article at the link and it is superb!
    Since you brought up comfy clothes, my "moment" is: in our house they are called "bone and monkey" clothes. Why? Because when our first Old English Sheepdog (OES), Woofles, was a pup, and a wild one at that, we let him into the main part of the house with us in the evenings to lounge and watch tv. We'd put a doggie pad on the floor along with his two favorite things: a bone and his stuffed monkey. Before long he would go crazy when Mike would call out, "It's time for bone and monkey." Bonbon came along and learned it, and now our adopted OES Abby knows all about it too. :)

  2. Yesterday, the moment I got in the door after work, I stripped down, got in my bathing suit, fixed a frozen drink and parked myself outside in the sun for 30 minutes of Zen.

  3. I love the colour and the peeling paint.
    I like wearing my pyjamas so much so I once had a meeting with a real estate agent at my house when selling my previous home. I did not realise I was wearing my pyjamas until he had left. I have always wonder what he must of though of me. Never mind at least I was comfortable.

  4. I'm so glad you share your artistry with us! The photo and words are so lovely. I can relate to that moment! I have a moment like that just when I hop into bed and can read and relax. The stress of the day disappears.

  5. Great poem and photograph. Sums up a day.

  6. My magnet arrived in the mail today. It is more beautiful than I even imagined it would be! From the special envelope that contained it to the tiny business card to the way the magnet was presented on the titled pink paper: all make me feel as if I have the beginning of something that will be widely and wildly loved...

  7. Same here... hot, sticky, rainy, miserable. Only I didn't make any beautiful art like you did... only barely survived day 3 of excruciatingly busy work. yuck. thank god for your blog though... a soothing sight for sore eyes :-)

  8. It's rainy, dreary and icy cold today!!! I can relate to this post!

  9. My moment ... enjoying the last chocolate-covered ice cream bar from the box quietly in the basement after a LONG day.

  10. ahhh, such a lovely moment! Thanks for sharing it with us. I agree with Liss, I love the peeling paint effect!

    My moment for today happend just a few minutes ago. After a long day at the office I went for a long cycle in the gym followed by a long swim and a hot sauna. I have just arrived home, poured myself a large glass of carbernet sauvignon and am sat relaxing on the sofa, commenting on the most wonderful post! The perfect moment for a Thursday evening!
