14 August 2008

Moments : Abyssal

Haiku Friday

Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it.
The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.
~Earl Nightingale~

My mind and spirit thank you all for the wonderful support,
I truly am grateful.

Have a lovely weekend, and go do something!


  1. title of pic,A Flower in the Shadow of a Curtain.

  2. Fantastic pic and beautiful words. How true, time move there is nothing we can do about so putting it to good use is very wise.
    Something I needed to hear right now. My time this weekend will be used productively and not squander on things that are not in my control.

  3. Beautiful picture and haiku again this week! I wish I was this talented at photography!

  4. I love it! Great quote to accompany your haiku and photo too!!

    Karen of the MomDot Street Team

  5. I love that quote. :) I'd never heard it before.

    Happy weekend. :)

  6. Lovely blog! Will check back often!

  7. The fact that you are remotely inspired by me is a great complement, when I believe your flower photos are some of the best I have ever seen. I love this photo especially, the texture is brilliant.

  8. OH wow - so lovely - have a great weekend too!

  9. Beautiful flower and haiku … lovely presentation and marvelously appropriate quotes … excellent reminders! Thank you ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  10. Beautiful as last week (and probably all your haikus I'm betting). Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Today is my 16th wedding anniversary. Darrin and I are celebrating with a special night out at one of our favorite restaurants downtown.

  12. lovely haiku and photo!

    have a fantastic weekend.

  13. inspired by your image...

    pure imaginings
    of segmented loveliness
    dreamed in black and white

  14. Your pics always made me haaapppeeeee

  15. Wow. Love the picture and the haiku. Both are awesome.

  16. all your photos are better than any postcard you may send. I wish you had sent me one :) (although I loved this postcard I got anyway...)
    Now I'm curious to visit Blue ridge montains!:)

  17. your photos inspire me to greater heights of love for and delight in my photography. i am glad we have met! i posted a photo today that was inspired by the photo in this post.

    i did do something! i went to another flea market and took photo i captured some splendid macro shots while the air was still as death (just perfect) and i talked to my daughter about 5 times in one day :) and it isn't even over yet!
