04 August 2008

Seven Down.......

I really can't believe that we are already in the month of August!
I seemed to have been about 10 photos behind the entire month, even so,
I didn't fret......I did what I could with the time I could spare.

Taking baby steps is a little frustrating when you want to hop on a
pogo stick and bounce away. Why a pogo stick?
Well, I suppose it's because, if I were on one, I'd be going in all sorts of directions.
No clear path in mind, just gravity pulling me this way and that.
It doesn't bother me so much anymore.
I'm a little more easy going than I once was, which in turn....are you with me?!
Makes things easier!

This month I really had to limit myself with the favorites,
it really would have defeated the purpose
if they were ALL favorites!

{366} July

1. Vessel of Light, 2. Spiked Sphere, 3. Ely Late-Night, 4. Lightshow, 5. R & R, 6. Sending out the Prizes, 7. Edible Pretty, 8. Peeling Paint Texture, 9. Purple Tinted Petals, 10. The Sound, 11. Dreamsicle, 12. The Nine, 13. Pitter-Patter, 14. Basking in the Glow, 15. No More Water Bottles, 16. ?, 17. Green on the Inside, 18. Lionel, 19. On Our Way to the Top, 20. Last Stitch of Light, 21. Quick Crafts, 22. Transformed Tea Tins, 23. Morning De{light}, 24. Ely's Light, 25. Golden Rod, 26. I Love Gifts in the Mail: Lydia, 27. Berry Pickin', 28. Bee Balm, 29. Sans Shoe, 30. Outside my Window, 31. Sleep-Aid
*Clicking on the above links will take you to larger photo in Flickr*

~My Favorites from JULY~

184. Spiked Sphere
Spiked Sphere

Purple Tinted Petals
Purple Tinted Petals

The Sound
The Sound


Basking in the Glow
Basking in the Glow

Morning De{light}
Morning De{light}

Ely's Light
Ely's Light

From the beginning:
{366} Photographic Journal


  1. Loved this post (and I just noticed the "I love gifts in the mail..." photo; sweet!
    Hop or saunter over to my blog, as you're in my post for 8-5-08. :)

  2. nice shots for this month. I really enjoy looking at "Green on the Inside" too.
    Keep bouncing on the pogo stick

  3. Spiked sphere is my personal favourite. Love your pogo stick reference. I can really relate to that! Happy hopping.

  4. morning delight is perfection! beautiful!

  5. I couldn't choose a favorite among such amazing shots! They are all brilliant! (Thanks for making me remember bouncing around on a pogo stick. I'd like to try it again as an adult.) :)

  6. Such beautiful photos -thank you. I have a vision of you on a pogo stick, just like Tigger!

  7. That's a good idea to have your favorites for a month. They all look great. Very beautiful shots.

  8. my favorite is eli's light.. very cool...

  9. Oh these are all my favorites too - you are very talented - keep it up!

  10. No6 from the top. fav with the one you did'nt put in the rounded walkway to tower Bye.

  11. Is that your kitty? Such a lovely crisp photo, I really like it!

  12. Oh! Your photographs are amazing, each moves me in a different way... I love the doorway and the sunflowers the most. And your cat too! Roxanne

  13. The last photograph of that cat is by far my favorite picture of yours. It reminds me of some photos I've taken of my own cat Sylvia. Cats I think, are probably the only animal that can be content and never feel any guilt, for their entire life.

  14. I can't help but feel a rush of emotion as I wander through your photographs...

    They are all fantastic, but 'The Sound' and 'De{light}' are simply breathtaking!

    I love your pogo stick analogy. I'm kinda similar. I have always said that whenever I come to a fork in the road where I can in either one of two directions, I always take the middle one.
