08 September 2008

Eight Down........

"{366} Photographic Journal"

For the most part, I am happy with what I posted in August.
Although closer to the end of the month I began to get a little lazy.
Truth be told, I am still feeling that way,
which hasn't started September off very well.
But I'll get it updated soon enough.

I think that by the time I get the hang of two blogs, the project will be over!
It's not easy keeping up with both of them, but I know this was self imposed.
With that being said, I have learned so much since I first began the challenge;
it really has made all the difference in my photography.

{366} August

1. Tall Grass, 2. My Boys, 3. Skipping Stones, 4. Yogi Wisdom, 5. Handmade Book, 6. Tranquilize, 7. Countryside Sounds, 8. Path Before Me, 9. I Forgot #4, 10. Softness, 11. The Color Purple, 12. Wish you didn't feel this way bouquet......., 13. Barbed Blackberry, 14. Blueberries & Bokeh, 15. Before Sundown, 16. Yoga.Pink, 17. I Love Gifts in the Mail : Liss, 18. S H I M M E R Y, 19. No Pose, 20. I Love Gifts in the Mail : Beth, 21. Bokeh Aura, 22. Curly Q, 23. In the Shadows, 24. 237. Women & Money, 25. Clearing Creepy Crawlies, 26. Rainy Days, 27. Bubble Bauble, 28. Pattern, 29. Rough Ridge Hike, 30. Jewelweed in the Morning, 31. Tight Squeeze
*Clicking on the above links will take you to larger photo in Flickr*

~My Favorites from August~

214. Tall Grass
Tall Grass

225. Wish you didn't feel this way bouquet.....
Wish you didn't feel this way bouquet.......

231. S H I M M E R Y

234. Bokeh Aura
Bokeh Aura

236. In the Shadows
In the Shadows

239. Rainy Days
Rainy Days

and for sheer cuteness.....

215. My Boys
My Boys

From the beginning:
{366} Photographic Journal


  1. These are beautiful. I love the cats.

  2. I like in the shadows. I don't know how you take a shot everyday! I'd get so lazy. But if you love it, that would make it easy.

  3. Love them! 231... shimmery is my favorite... what lense were you using?

  4. Hey Jessica :))))) I totally lurve your photographs... each and EVERY one of them. You have such a wonderful eye for capturing such beautiful moments. I hope you don't expect me to pick a favourite out of these... that would be an impossible task!!!

    I hope you don't mind, but I may take up the challenge myself in 2009. Your work continues to be so inspirational.

    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead ~ Graham x

  5. Très gorgeous, my dear! I don't know how you keep up with taking pics every day, processing and posting them.

    You've got a gift!

  6. beautiful, i am partial to the leaves and the rain. but i am going back to see more!

  7. The bokeh photo is amazing. I'm not sure how to describe it, but the flower explodes into fantasy somehow.


  8. I love all of your selections this month. So pretty.

    I can't believe all of the effort you put into all those links though. *pats WW on the back and gives her chocolate*

  9. 234, 236, 215 - my favorites. I had to write the numbers down quickly before I forgot. :-)

  10. Oh wow another great month. Seems like time is flying now.
    My favourites are "In the shadows" and "my boys"

  11. Wow it's so hard to select a favorite among these beauties. Your cats shot is priceless (so is their relationship with one another!). I love the first one with the golden grasses, and the sorry you feel this way bouquet.

    Congratulations of a great review of your blog over at Do You Digg It!

  12. So gorgeous; I've said it before but you truly are talented!

  13. I think you did a great job on all the photos. I liked the boys the best.

  14. Your photos always inspire me. They are so beautiful.

  15. the first one (tall grass) and the last one (your boys) are my favorites. but hard to choose:))

  16. Super pictures. The shadows bring a certain kind of light to the pictures.

  17. Nice to see them all together! The first and teh last are my favourites: tall grass and the boys!

  18. Your work is QUITE impressive! I've enjoyed going through your recent images. Thanks so much for your message on my blog and leading me to yours.
