21 September 2008

Hunt Fish Falls

Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina
Wilson Creek Area
Lost Cove Trail

Here is a more detailed shot of the waterfall from the overnight hike we did last weekend.
In the other post, I only shared the overview of the swimming hole.

I took this photo around 7:00am on Sunday morning.

Hunt Fish Falls - Upper

I don't usually wake up that early, but in the woods I do.
Sleeping above the rushing falls lulled me to sleep.
Hiking and/or being near water definitely calms me.
Sleeping right next to it serves double duty.

I wouldn't say that I had a wonderful night's sleep.
Because I woke up several times throughout the night.
I was trying to find a more comfortable position.
Even so, I still awakened feeling refreshed.

This photo of the falls was taken in the late afternoon on Saturday.
The lighting was very different from the above shot.
One, early morning, and one, late afternoon.

Hunt Fish Falls

I felt uneasy stumbling around the slick rock with my camera and tripod.
I took my time though and made certain that I had sure footing before taking a step.
The last thing I would want to do was take a tumble!

This was the small waterfall off to the side of Hunt Fish Falls.

Hunt Fish Fall - Side waterfall

It seems as though it is normally overlooked
compared to the main attraction,
but I thought it was lovely.
I think the recent rain had something to do with it.

I had to pull off some fancy maneuvers to get these photos.
I found myself laying on my stomach, sprawled out across the rock.
Thankfully, no one but Cody was around to see this!

Hunt Fish Falls - Side waterfall closeup

I can't wait to see more waterfalls this autumn season.
We'll definitely be out and about as much as possible.
This weekend, we didn't do anything exciting, just watched a ton of movies.
So until we have some new and interesting stuff to show you, I hope you enjoyed
a close up of Hunt Fish Falls.

  • To read a little more about the backpacking trip, click here.
  • To see an overview of Hunt Fish Falls, click here.


  1. oh - these are perfect!

    I love waterfalls. There's a trail about 90 min from me that has 10 waterfalls on the one trail; it's one of my favorite trails ever.

  2. I've said this before, but, I LOVE field trips. That was stunning. really.

  3. Thanks for sharing--they are lovely.

  4. Your photos are spectacular. God bless.

  5. Such beautiful photos... I can feel the serenity. I think my favourite is the little waterfall.

    So pleased you were able to manouvre yourself to take these wonderful photos.

  6. Holy cow, that is some serious waterfall and some really gorgeous shots! Whatever acrobatics were required to get these shots, it really did pay off because these are outstanding. Wow!

  7. beautiful fall pictures. :) wow.

  8. SO beautiful, WW! That first photo of the small falls, the one with the shining at top and the colorful leaves at the bottom, that one I love so much!

  9. p.s. That National Geographic widget is great. I just had an interesting "trip" to Togo. :)

  10. Beautiful pics as always, but that little waterfall is something special :o)

  11. Beautiful photographs! This really brings back memories. I used to hike and camp in the mountains of North Carolina thirty years ago, and more. Including Pisgah.

  12. I love a good waterfall. It is the one thing I wish we had here on the coast.

  13. What beautiful photos!
    They make me want to go hiking.

  14. Great work,the things we do for art.but would you have done it if there were snakes about. now that is dieing for your art.

  15. Thanks for the ‘virtual waterfall walk’ … it goes so well with my Monday Motivator at Sacred Ruminations today for I’d love to be sitting alongside that last shot right now. Thanks for sharing ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  16. Well I thank the contortionist in you, these were absolutely lovely!

    Again: when are you publishing your darn book ;-)

  17. This place looks amazing - really makes me want to take a trip now!

  18. beautiful images and such a treat to re-live memories of earlier times when body was able to really "camp"
    enjoy it it seems fleeting ~ thanks for sharing

  19. Those are fabulous shots of the waterfalls. I know how slick the rocks can get and I'd be nervous trying to get to a good spot to take a picture. I'm amazed at what a great job you did with these.

  20. Amazing pictures. I love the way the water appears to be moving fluidly. I'm always trying for that effect in photos and never getting it quite right.

  21. I can hear the sound of the rushing water in these. Reminds me very much of a camping trip i was on a couple of weekends ago. I love sleeping to the music of the night around me - the water, the crickets, the fire crackling...
    Of course, you came back with much better photographic representations of your memories.

  22. The images are fantastic... I'm instantly relaxed. You'll have to have Cody take pictures of you taking pictures:)

  23. Oh... I love waterfall pictures. Such great photos, thanks for sharing.

  24. absolutely peaceful and serene photos and place. i love the angles you chose and yes...the laying on the stomach, back even my head..i can relate :)

    i am so glad you got out in your beautiful world!

  25. I can hear the sound of the rushing water your photos are so perfect. What a beautiful place to camp.

  26. Wow, these are so beautiful. It makes me wish we did the camping thing!

  27. I'm picking my jaw up off the floor. I don't know if it's just the falls or your photography or both but these are all absolutely stunning!

  28. Such gorgeous waterfalls! Looks like you had a really great time there! Just this week I finally figured out the right settings on my lil' camera to get the water to look like that - whatever it's called. We went to a park with an old dam in Raleigh earlier this week.

  29. Jessica, these are stunning. You have really captured the movement of the water so well. I love sitting by running water. It kinda helps me clear my mind of all the stresses of work and other stuff. I can completely understand how you fell asleep to the sounds of the falls.

    Thank you for sharing these moments with us, and next time can you leave a little space in your rucksack for me?

  30. Beautiful photos! There is nothing like the sound of running water when you are in the woods to reboot the mind.
