08 October 2008

Less is More

Less is More

Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
~Lin Yutang~

Slowly but surely, I attempt to cross off completed tasks.
My to-do list doesn't scare me, and I won't let it.
I'm getting things done at my own pace.
The rainy weather doesn't help much.

It was such a chore to make a list and go to the grocery store this evening.
I'm glad that its done though.
Maybe unpacking will also be in our future!
Tell me we aren't the only ones who wait,
or procrastinate rather, when it comes to unpacking.

I'm just trying not to stress out about all that needs to be done around here.
I know that it will be alright if it takes a little more time.

I have yet to get a proper chance to go through my photos from the trip,
but here is another one from our first day while in Atlanta.


  1. waiting
    till the right moment
    is a significant art

  2. O, how I want to have the right word right now that would appropriately praise this photo. I'll have to go with less is more...

  3. no no no you are not alone ~ the suitcases sit on the floor for days after return just taking out needed items is unpacking sloooowly that is my style
    besides you have beautiful images to tend today!

  4. Since me - one time it was not - I want to greet you
    I am come back
    may stevn

  5. You done it again.

  6. Super pretty!

    (I think I say the same thing every time...)

  7. The orchid almost looks like an animal. Great colors.

  8. I hate unpacking!! I've gotten better at via necessity after having kids.

  9. That photo is GORGEOUS! WOW! STUNNING!

  10. Suitcases, bane of my existance. Why not leave it right there until the next trip, then you won't even have to pack again! wooo!

    oh wait, except it's got dirty socks in it, right? LOL

  11. a lovely shot. wow.

  12. Amazing photo - one of my favorites. Stunning.

  13. Exquisite photo of this lovely flower and wonderful quote to keep you centered.
    Hugs and blessings,

  14. A beautiful shot and some very wise words.

  15. beautiful colours in this shot.

    Sorry I unpack as soon as I get home and all clothes go straight in the washing machine. (Note: I may not turn the washing machine on unitl the next day... Naught me!).

  16. What a beautiful flower!
    Good luck with all your to-dos!

  17. haha. you are definitely not the only one who procrastinates the unpacking. I'm the worst. Unlike my daughter who does it right away and the laundry too. how did she learn that?
