24 March 2009

Current Project: Newsletter for PACT

PACT Newsletter March (2nd page)
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Here is a sneak peak of the newsletter I am working on for PACT. I'm only sharing the second page since I am not completely done with it and because it's only fair that I distribute it to the group before showing everyone else. Recognize those photos? If not, maybe you missed the post I did on the bluebird box building event.

PACT is an organization here in the High Country that I have become involved with just recently.Upon joining, I had a desire to have an actual role within the group, so I signed up to be a board member as the communication & media chair. Although PACT is still in the growing stages and remains somewhat small, I think that once established, it will become so much more.

Our next project is to adopt and develop a wetland on the Greenway Trail which is right near our home. I am definitely looking forward to participating in that effort by taking photos AND getting my hands dirty!


  1. This is wonderful I love the set out of the page.

    All the best with you commitments to the group, it is a nice feeling to be involved and doing something to help your own community. I have full confidence in your ability to give 110% and do a fantastic job.

  2. Nice page design! As a retiree from The Nature Conservancy I'll be interested to hear and see more about that wetland project!

  3. That is a wonderful page design! I love doing newsletters and things like that ever since I took an InDesign class in school!

  4. It looks great - no surprises there:)

  5. Excellent!!!

    My Wordful this week is all about the birds and bees...errrr, um....maybe birds and cats. Is it Superman in the sky? Come find out.

  6. YEY!! That's awesome. If the rest looks like that, it's awesome too.

    Awesome. :D

  7. You are certainly graphically inclined...thanks for sharing!

  8. congratulations - the newsletter looks great and I bet people will be excited to receive.

  9. Nice project and newsletter. Keep up the great work you're doing in your beloved community.

  10. What a professional looking newsletter you created. I'm sure they will be thrilled with it.

  11. Jessica Now you are cooking great work and enjoy doing it.Pod. Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!/Bird thou never wert (To a Skylark)And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest. (SHELLEY)
