04 May 2011

Celebrating Spring with Shutterfly {Giveaway}

Red Tulip Diptych

While it has most definitely warmed up here in the High Country, the weather still likes to yo-yo. Some days it's nice enough to keep the doors open, which the kitties really like, while other days, it's downright icy. Although not cold enough to warrant our monitor heater being turned back on. It's been at least a month or more since we shut it down, and I'm determined not to turn it back on at all to save oil. So far, our temperatures here in Boone, NC haven't dipped back down that far (knock on wood). Who knows, though, maybe we'll get one last snow?! I would be perfectly fine with that so long as it didn't kill all the precious plants people have begun growing, seeing them freeze is a crying shame.

After enduring frigid temperatures and snowfall during the harsh months of winter, spring is a highly welcomed and anticipated season for many folks across the country. A number of us are sometimes left aching for an inkling of days with warmer weather because those at lower elevations get to experience spring sooner than we do. It's torturous, and I find myself getting a little jealous of those enjoying warmer temperatures earlier in the season. What makes the transition even more difficult is seeing all the beautiful photographs of the blossoms blooming, because I am eagerly awaiting my turn to take some flower photos, too. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy getting a glimpse of what we will soon have coming our way, but it's such a tease! (I'm not the most patient individual)

Dogwood Diptych

As far as I'm concerned, we have officially crossed over into spring! The flowering trees, flip flops, and festivals are all sure signs that we are finished with the frosty days of winter. Whether or not it does decide to come back and pester us one last time, I'm over it. It's that simple. I'll stay focused on all the wonderful things I want to plan for the months ahead instead of worrying about what may or may not happen. Boone's weather has always had a mind of its own anyway, so being flexible (and prepared) is a must if you live up here in the mountains.

That's part of what makes being in Boone so awesome, though. This town is unpredictable and full of surprises! It's beautiful up here no matter what season it happens be. However, spring is so much sweeter since it follows the wintry weather most of us are desperately seeking a break from. I love spring and I'm celebrating it the best way that I know how; it involves a lot of time in the sun and being on the lookout for flowers!

White Magnolia Diptych

Flowers are my favorite. I could take photographs of flowers for hours on end. Seriously, you let me loose in a garden, and you might be waiting days before I return. Some of the usual flowering trees that I like to revisit were just too quick for me to capture this year, but I'm keeping a close eye out now. One thing I keep reminding myself of is to enjoy spring while it lasts because it'll be gone before you know it!

The coming of spring brings many things (not just flowers), there are occasions to celebrate, new beginnings (and endings) to commemorate, along with other thrilling announcements to share with family and friends. Reasons to celebrate are all around!

How will you celebrate spring this year? 
I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

This post is sponsored by Shutterfly for their Spring Announcements promotion. They will be providing a special giveaway that I am giddy about awarding. One winner will receive a Shutterfly promo code that is good for 50 5x7 flat or folded announcements/cards OR one 8x8 20-page photobook! You could use it for Mother's Day Cards, Birth Announcements, or any other occasion they have to offer. I'm excited about making a photobook, personally, because I have yet to do this with the plethora of images I'm hoarding on my hard drives. 
To ENTER the Shutterfly giveaway, all you have to do is leave your answer to this question in the comment section, “How will you celebrate spring this year?”. Extra entries (1 each) can be received by following Wayfaring Wanderer on Facebook or Twitter. Another entry can be gained from sharing a spring related photo (anything you choose) on the Wayfaring Wanderer FB wall. To let me know you have completed any of these steps for extra entries, just leave a message in the comment section of this post. Please be sure to include the pertinent information that I will need to contact you in case you are the winner. Thank you & Good luck! This giveaway is now CLOSED, the winner is announced HERE.

Have a blog? Sign up for a chance to receive 50 free cards from Shutterfly!

Like it? Share it! 


  1. what a great giveaway!
    I will celebrate spring this year lots of ways!
    by cycling with my husband, by watching my tulips grow, and by soaking in every moment of my favorite season!

    Also, I liked Wayfaring Wanderer on Facebook!

    And, i just uploaded a spring picture to the Facebook wall.

    My email is

  2. Beautiful photos and what a great giveaway! I started celebrating spring with our trip to the storybook farm this past weekend. This coming weekend we're attending the annual MD Sheep and Wool Festival - love it!

  3. Beautiful photos. I always know spring is here when I start seeing baby calves and lambs pop up in the fields around our home.

  4. Love how you paired your photos. Great idea (that I might have to steal someday!)

    I celebrate spring by walking around my farm yard most mornings, seeing what is coming up, enjoying the varied colors and taking photos of course! :)

  5. @Aubree: I'm soaking up as much as I can, too. Although this 45 degree weather we have today is making it difficult! haha Thank you for participating and for posting an image on the FB page :D

    @Jen: A trip to the farm is a perfect way to celebrate spring! The Sheep and Wool Festival sounds mighty interesting, too! Hope you have fun :D

    @DD: Thank you! Those little babies are too cute eh?! I really want to visit a farm that has some running around, so I can chase them with my camera! haha

    @Nancy: Steal away! I definitely didn't come up with the idea of doing diptychs. I have always enjoyed pairing photos together, collages are fun too! I look forward to the day when I will wake up on my own farm, sounds heavenly :D

    Thank you ALL for participating in the giveaway and for visiting WW!

  6. Love your photos...they're gorgeous! I agree, I could spend an entire day taking pictures of flowers :)

    (I started following you on Twitter...I'm smith521. My email is bdsmith521 at aol dot com)

  7. Your flower shots are amazing. Love your blog!

  8. Cool giveaway! Still loving your blog as always!

    I'm going to celebrate spring this year by bringing a little of it indoors and starting a terrarium! The green of spring is so inspirational!

    I posted one of my favorite spring photos on your Facebook wall, too!

    I think you know how to get ahold of me! :) Planning to come to Boone in the near future!

  9. I love your photos!! I also love to take photos of flowers. This spring I plan to plant more flowers, grass and shrubs. I also love to take photos of my children and hope to go camping soon.

    I already am a fan of yours on facebook and I'll post a picture of my lillies on your wall.

    Your blog is wonderful. Nice job!

  10. Your photos are breath-taking!

  11. What are the white ones? They're so pretty. <3

    I'm not really a spring person, aside from the daffodils. I guess they're how I celebrate. :D

  12. I will celebrate spring with my wedding!!! :)

  13. I will be spending spring by the pool and the beach on the weekends with my daughter and husband!
    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  14. taking pictures of flowers, spending time outside with my family and friends....always hopefully a cookout. gorgeous shots!!!

    bhamgirl717 at aol dot com

  15. I will celebrate spring by creating a photobook of my wonderful nephews graduation from College! We are so proud of him!

  16. I am following you on twitter

  17. I will be planting a tree that my boys and husband get me for Mothers Day! <3

  18. I will celebrate with wine and BBQ and evening walks :)

  19. I will celebrate spring by introducing my baby boy to as much of the world as I can. And I am going to take every opportunity to practice my photography while doing it. I plan to buy a camera this month!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. New Fan on FB

  22. Spring photo posted to your FB wall <3

  23. This is technically my first spring with my son. Last spring he was just one month old. This time around I am planning to spend lots of time outdoors with him, helping him fall in love with the colors of nature. And finally, make a photobook with the free code with all his spring pictures :)

    Also, I have liked Wayfaring Wanderer on Facebook.

    And uploaded a spring picture to the Facebook wall.

    My emaild is

  24. Great giveaway! These are fabulous photos!

    Homeowner Insurance

  25. Spring starts earlier in south Louisiana but we celebrated by planting a vegetable garden and we are already enjoying fresh cucumbers and squash. Our first tomato is turning red as I write!

    I also follow Wayfaring Wanderer on Facebook.

    Email: aliceviator at gmail dot com

  26. I think you should be the official photographer for farmers markets. I mean seriously? Your photos made me want to go badly. Wonderful!

  27. I've already started celebrating spring. My garden is cleaned and ready to go. The iris' and lillies of the valley are in full bloom. The wild flowers are starting to come in....and my indoor spring cleaning is done!
    The winter wardrobe is gone and the hiking gear is ready.
    Now it's time to start mapping out spring hikes on the AT here in PA and hit a few outdoor festivals.

    Time to sit back and enjoy a few good laughs with friends.

