28 August 2008

Moments : Ambiance

Moments : Ambiance
haiku friday

lingering in ways
that penetrate deep inside
where is my sunshine

I like to think of thoughts as living blossoms borne by the human tree.
~James Douglas~

The rain has stayed for days, finally, I woke up with sun shining through my bedroom window.
I wasn't sure that I could take another day of this dreadful weather.
I didn't complain, because I knew we needed it......I'm glad it's over!

In other new:
  • Although you showed concern in my last post, I am slightly disappointed that most of the people didn't follow through.
  • I feel as though the important parts of the "I Heart Mountains" post may have been skipped over.
  • I would love for all of you to join me in this very important campaign to end mountaintop removal.
  • All I ask is that you pledge by signing up in the first widget on my sidebar.
  • Also, I am willing to donate one dollar on your behalf to the cause mentioned in the last post if you pledge. At the end of one week, I plan to match the pledges.
  • And so I know who joined in, please leave a comment in the last post stating, I LOVE MOUNTAINS!


  1. Beautifully said. I too have felt the depression cause by sunless days and have pined for sunshine.
    Thanks for putting that emotions into words.

  2. Great photo and i love the lyrical language in your Haiku!!

  3. Lovely. A little bit of an echo of my own subject today.

  4. What a beautiful picture! Thanks for stopping by :) And about the let them go is called "the neglect method" and it does work but, it take a year or so. I'm not into that LOL I'm going to a salon to have my hair loced...using a back combing method :)

    Happy weekend!

  5. I joined your challenge--thanks for spreading the word about it. My husband is from KY, so this is a big issue for us.

  6. Beautiful haiku, and it speaks to me so very much right now, more than any time ever, putting into words what is in my heart. Nicely done!

  7. Yes lots of rain, but we did need it! Another lovely photo - have a great weekend.

  8. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

    I loved your haikus with photos so much that I did one of my own this week.

    Now if only I could take pictures as beautifully as you do!

    Thanks for visiting!

  9. U.K.Rain 92 days out of 100 days.sun 6 days. couldn't make it's mind up 2 days.

  10. you are right mountains tops can't be replaced more power to your elbow.i know power is needed for your nation doesn't matter which party gets in to power. you have had this going on over the years when things to do with power should have been put right. but people want cheap's come down to going without like cheap air flight,gas,oil for the home etc.this change can't come over night when you see food prices going through the roof. many will die around the world we will see this year upon year. we are seeing this now. but we in the west will have to go without no other way around it.the U.S.A.,U.K.,U.N.,E.U. have no answer.many in the west will be put out of work.and in that way will be unable to buy those things which we took for granted.sad to say coal will be king in U.S.A for many years to come because you have nothing to replace it with other than nukepower plants and that will not happen for a long time.It's for the people in power to do what they say they are going to do and do it. but the track record of both partys they just put they heads in the sand both partys are run by big money sad.

  11. I like the photo and the sentiments in your Haiku
    happy friday

  12. Beautiful haiku. I've enjoyed our rain today, but I'll be happy to welcome back sunshine tomorrow.

  13. Glad your sun has returned. Poignant photograph and haiku. Lovely.

  14. I heart mountains~!
    I signed up.

    I love mountains too. But I had to give a Beverley Hills postal code in order to participate. It is the only one I know. Thanks to Aaron Spelling :)

    Keep us posted! We need greener fuel options! In Canada too!!!!

  15. I really love the depth of your haikus as well as how you present them. I don't think I saw your last post so I'm confused but I'll go look right now.

  16. beautiful photo and haiku - you have a way with words

    I'll have to read your last post - I think I missed it

  17. I'm so sorry I haven't posted & read through the I Love Mountains stuff... I've been crazy busy... but I widgeted away & love the image above... I love mountains too!

  18. i am trying to get my 'I love Mountains' widget to get up my blog but at the moment it just isn't cooperating... i did post a pledge though xox

  19. I want to thank the blogger very much not only for this post but also for his all previous efforts. I found to be extremely interesting. I will be coming back to for more information.
