01 September 2008

"Land of Boardwalks"

North Carolina
Blue Ridge Parkway
Tanawha Trail - From Rough Ridge parking area to Wilson Creek Overlook
2.9 Miles Round-trip

In order to preserve the delicate environment yet allow access,
a 200-foot-long elevated boardwalk crosses the landscape.

Trail Corridor

The rest of the trail, however, takes you through narrow corridors over rocky paths.
Due to the recent rain, most of the trail was slick and required you to
pay close attention to footing in order to avoid slipping.

Boardwalk w/ Rock Outcropping

Once you reach the beginning of the boardwalk,
you gain spectacular 360-degree views of the surrounding mountains.

Rock Outcropping w/ Vista

And along the way, you pass some very lofty rock
outcroppings as you make your way to the top.

Mountain Ash

I spotted some bright red-orange Mountain Ash.

Ringneck Snake

As well as, an itty bitty ringneck snake.

Wilson Creek Overlook

Reaching the summit of Wilson Creek Overlook,
you can't help but become filled with an unequaled sense of space.

Which got a little smaller when I stumbled into a powwow of guys I donned the smoke squad.
It was quite unusual to find people smoking cigars after a heart-pumping hike.
But after talking with them for a few moments,
I decided they were a harmless bunch just out to enjoy a beautiful day.

Smoke Squad

The ropes you see in the above two photos are there to keep
people from trampling the plant-life and accelerating the speed of erosion.
When hiking trails it is always important to stay on the designated trails!


Just another way they work to preserve the natural history of the Appalachian mountains.

If you have yet to do so, please take part in helping to preserve
our land's natural history, by taking a pledge.
Taking a pledge doesn't require much from you.
The widget on the right is where you can join me in the fight to end mountain top removal.


  • I am willing to donate one dollar on your behalf to the cause mentioned in the "I Heart Mountains" post once you have pledged.
  • At the end of this week, I plan to match the pledges.
  • And so I know who joined in, please leave a comment stating, I LOVE MOUNTAINS!


  1. Mountains are not
    for the faint of heart,
    take a hand to hold.

  2. it does seem a bit odd to me when I see people smoking when I reach the top of a mountain. I worry that it's diminishing their capacity to get down. :-)

    I love that first photo, but I must confess that I skipped over the photo of the snake and am trying to pretend it's not there, LOL

  3. What a beautiful, natural area. Thanks so much sharing these beautiful pictures. I did try and leave my details for the I love Mountains, but I think because I am in Australia it did not take. I wanted to take part though as I feel we are losing such a magnificent piece of nature which if I ever visited America I would love to visit.

  4. I haven't been to that part of the mountains but I have been to many others. Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  5. Isn’t it funny to see so much preservation on one hand and so little disregard on the other with the mining going on. This is what mounts should look like – BEAUTIFUL.
    The pic of the rocky out crop reminds me of the “Blue Mountains” here in Sydney Australia.

  6. What wonderfully inspirational pictures!

  7. What a great trail! I love hiking.

  8. Gorgeous! i want to be out there!

  9. What a nice hike! Great photos supporting your mountain cause! Good luck!

  10. stunning photographs! your love and dedication shines through.

  11. Oh I've been there - but my pictures have never looked this good! Amazing!

  12. What a wonderful set of photographs. They are all so beautiful and I do so love those mountains. I've been part of a campaign to end mountain top removal called I love mountains, their site is at
    When I have time, I'll check yours but the logo looks the same so I was wondering if it's the same I love mountains group I've been involved with, although maybe not.

  13. What a wonderful hike, I love boardwalks.. besides protecting habitats they let you see more places and from a bit higher up! Your photographs are beautiful, as usual! I love to see the mountains in your world! Roxanne

  14. You had me RIGHT THERE... up until the snake bit.

    *goes to huddle under the couch*

    Awesome pics my dear, as always!! :-D

  15. It's so beautiful.
    That was something...meeting up with cigar smoking lads. You should have joined them! :)
    Your photos are amazing. Loved each and every one.
    Woody Harrelson thanked me personally for signing on. Well, not personally....

  16. I love mountains, but I'm not sure Canadians can pledge... Can they? We don't have zipcodes.

    Awesome pics, as usual. :)

  17. I'm so amazed by the boardwalk, a very farsighted thing for the state to have done (how long ago was it built?) to preserve the delicate landscape. Our mountain ash now looks like the one in your photo, and in about a month huge flocks of big robins will swoop in and eat all the berries. I love to see that every year.
    This summer is almost over and we didn't go on one hike. It just kills me to say it...

  18. Gorgeous, gorgeous pics! And another place I need to visit. I'm so jealous of how close you are to the mountains! Not a fan of the slithery thingy though! Yikes! :)

  19. Great pics looks like a place we need to head to when we can afford to travel again. Until then we will hike,explore etc close to home in the Ozarks
