25 September 2008

Moments : Seasonable

Moments : Seasonable
Haiku Friday & One Single Impression

Golden Mosaics
Express Restoration

Bittersweet Harvest

We learn and grow and are transformed not so much
what we do but why and how we do it.
~Sharon Salzberg~

I was so happy to hear your 'Motivational Moments' commented in the last post,
and even the lack there of offered wonderful insights too.
I might not tell you this enough, but I am so grateful for the
tremendous amount of support you provide.
My life is that much richer as a result.

The weekend weather isn't fairing to well because of an impending storm.
It also happens to be causing panic at the pumps yet again.
I'm wondering if it will have any bearing on the
trip we're planning to take next week for
my birthday?! I sure hope not....
We'll see what happens.

We just had a power outage in the middle of this post!
It went out for a short period of time,
but by the time we hunkered down for the night, it came back on.

This morning it's dark, cloudy and rainy.

I'll just try to keep Autumn (which was the haiku prompt) on
my mind,
along with the above photo. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. I hope all goes well. We just got our power back after a week without. Hope your storm goes much more smoothly.

    Also hoping nothing interferes with your trip.

  2. this really is such a bittersweet season.

    i've enjoyed visiting your blog. i miss the mountains very much. we used to spend most weekends in the blue ridge mountains when we lived in VA & northern SC. now we are on the coast of NC. i'm hoping your weather settles. we are much calmer today than yesterday here on the coast.

  3. very beautiful thoughts ~ and photo
    take care and enjoy yourself ~ blessings

  4. It is cool and raining here this morning. It really feels like Autumn. Love the leaf picture.

  5. Your photo makes me miss the fall color I'd see when I lived around Chicago. Colorado has the aspens, but not much else.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I hope you get to take your trip -- that the weather cooperates -- that the storm stays out at sea. We have had enought *weather* for a while. Wonderful haiku; as always. I love your depth. :)

  7. wonderful post
    have a nice weekend

  8. Autumn is temperamental, and we love her that way. Think of all the halloween candy on the way, w00t!

  9. Pretty!

    Try to soak up as much rain as you can so we don't get so much when it makes its way up here.

    Thanks. ;)

  10. Love the photo!

    Our leaves are just starting to turn and I hope to be able to take some nice photos like that.

    Good luck with the weather!

  11. Beautiful. The richness of the orange makes me want to cozy up, but the hot weather we are having won't allow it.

    Have a great weekend too.

  12. It is my favourite time of year. I love the speckley look of the leaf.

  13. Another breathtaking photo! You show us such amazing pictures. Thanks for your lovely words too. I hope the weather gives us at least a little break this weekend. Hopefully no more power outages for you. Enjoy your weekend!

  14. thanks. i love and appreciate your comments, always.

  15. Beautiful imagery in the haiku, and beautiful colors in the photo. Here's hoping that you keep your power for the most part, and the storm doesn't affect you too badly. :)

  16. You captured autumn perfectly, in words and in your wonderful photo. I will look forward to enjoying your blog.

  17. This is great. Thanks for sharing it with OSI. I like the idea of mosaics and restoration. What a great source of hope!

  18. ..(a somewhat early-happy birthday greeting!)-thanks for a very nice photo and a fine poem..

  19. Beautiful photo I love the contrasting colours. I hope the weather brightens for your birthday tirp.

  20. amazing as always - words and photos.
    best of wishes for good travel weather.

  21. COOL Fall weather and rain sounds WONDERFUL! 99 and HOT yuck here! Aah to see REAL seasons!
    ENJOY your weekend!

  22. Truth is beautiful! Exquisite photo! I love the harvest of autumn all around!

  23. oh that is lovely. I think I know what I will be doing tomorrow - visiting the arboretum.

    enjoy your weekend!

  24. oh wow! such color, such zest! such drama in the woods!! this is beautiful jessica! the mosaic look on the leaves makes it not only beautiful but interesting to look at. hoe the weather doesn't keep you cooped up this weekend! take care, stay dry :)

  25. We've had pump issues even over here in the Raleigh area! So crazy isn't it?

    You captured fall so prefectly in you gorgeous photo! Our leaves are just starting to hint at change. I'm ready for them and the cooler weather it will bring. :)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  26. What a wonderful photo and lovely poem, Just beautiful.


  27. Fingers crossed that the storm sails on by smoothly....
    lovely image and words Wanderer. Uplifting! xo

  28. Since i have no idea about the internet, I have no idea how hard this would be...but it would be SO COOL if you could make pictures that we could make into our desktop images...:)

  29. That's a beautiful photograph!

  30. I hope the weather manages to hold up for you. I am so excited that Autumn is on its way. It is by far my favourite season.... the colours, the crisp cool air, the fresh breeze, the mist and fog... I am so looking forward to the next few months!!!
    Wishing you a lovely week ahead my friend!!!!

  31. Lovely seasonal Haiku and Autumn colors in the leaves in your photos. Thanks for sharing. Glad the power outage didn’t do any damage.
    Hugs and blessings,
