28 September 2008

New England Aster

Aster Diptych

We've had a somewhat uneventful weekend.
I suppose that maybe I'm saving it up till Wednesday.
Tomorrow I'll pack so that we can high tail it out of here after work on Tuesday.
Other than that, cleaning the house is always necessary before we leave
to go on a trip,
which is what we spent most of the day doing.
I just like to come home without feeling like I need to do housework.

Aster in the Pasture
Aster in the Pasture TtV

When I came home on Friday,
I was surprised to find 5 different bouquets in the kitchen.
I just got around to arranging them all today, and plan to take some photos tomorrow.
Until then, you can enjoy these dainty, New England Asters I found in the field next door.

Posted for Today Flowers
Interested in learning more about TtV, click here.


  1. Great captures, your asters are beautiful! Enjoy your trip!

  2. These are really pretty! I love the soft focus on them. How lucky that they were right next door!

  3. I love that first double image - lovely!

    I'm so with you on having a clean house before going away. When you come back it's just the laundry. :)

    Have a safe trip and lots of fun.

  4. Gorgeous!
    Your cats probably enjoy a day of cleaning about as much as mine do.....eeeeek!

  5. So pretty. I really enjoy the TTV shots. Have fun on your little trip and have a Happy Birthday.

  6. Lovely asters. Such a nice flower for outside and in arrangements.

    Have a fun trip.

  7. I love the color! Have a great trip.

  8. Purple is my favorite color!!! I love that I feel like I'm on my stomach looking at these great shots! Have a great Birthday!

  9. Wonderful to come home and find welcoming flowers! Your photos are great! Have a nice week!

  10. I grew some astors this year for the first time. Someone gave them to me and I didn't even know what they were until they bloomed. I like the color of yours.

  11. Oooo, can't wait to see the rest of the flowers. Yey!

  12. Love your photos and your blog.

    Off to check out more of it!


  13. These are so lovely! And they seem to be very abundant. Great shots.

  14. I love this affect.

    As with most things in life, perspective holds all the keys for appreciating true beauty.

  15. hello and goodbye ~ hope your trip is fun and I totally agree with the whole cleaning your house before you go.

    flower images are wonderful~

  16. lovely ttv shot, sometimes I wish mine wasn't as dusty and dirty. I think I prefer the soft look you've got going on here.

  17. These purple Asters are beautiful indeed. I hope you enjoy your trip.
    Hugs and blessings,

  18. Very beautiful, especially the TtV one!

  19. The asters are so delicate and beautiful. I'm the same way about wanting a clean house when I leave town (or as clean as it ever is since I'm not big on cleaning).

  20. Lovely flower!
    Wonderful post in TODAY'S FLOWERS!
    Thanks for posting in TODAY'S FLOWERS!
    Hope you come back every week!

    Luiz & Denise - Today's Flowers Team.

  21. Beautifully captured! Enjoy your trip.

  22. Your flowers are so pretty, but the asters are my favorites. Happy Birthday and thank you for sharing your "wanderings" with us! Roxanne

  23. your aster ttv... oh my, i´m so impressed again!!!
    happy belated, jessica!!!

  24. Amazing photos as always - so refreshing!

  25. Beautiful pairing. I really like the composition! Thanks for sharing your diptychs!
