13 November 2008

It's a WonderFall Life: A Tribute

{The soothing and serene scenes of Hebron Rock colony}


The woods were made for the hunters of dreams,


The brooks for the fishers of song;


To the hunters who hunt for the gunless game

Fall Scene

The streams and the woods belong.

Hebron Rock Colony

~Sam Walter Foss~

Fall Dam

Don't know when I will
be ready to say farewell
Bittersweet goodbye.

Hebron Rock Colony is a very interesting place.
Rock hopping the boulder strewn ravine is fun, but it can be tricky.
Although, the hard work really pays off with its many great features.
It's one of my most favorite not-so-secret places to go around Boone.
This particular day was my first time venturing there during fall.
It was especially beautiful with the warm tones reflecting off the calm pools.
I so awfully miss those long, golden, breezy days....I need a little sunshine.
Aside from a few yellow-leaved trees, our colors have faded here in the high country.
Thank goodness I saved some fall photos for this fall withdraw I'm having.


  1. It is a WaterFall life too! Such lovely shots! You live in a WonderFull place. :)

  2. Gorgeous gorgeous shots!

  3. I have always wanted to shoot good flowing water pictures, and I never have. These are gorgeous! That looks like a place I could hang out, for a long time.

  4. magnificent flowing-water shots! i'm impressed!! :)

  5. omg...there are all gorgeous

    My PSF entry this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks

  6. You don't know how much I needed the complete escape into beauty that these photos gave me. What a set of perfection, WW. Where I love all of them I must say that the last two are so beautiful they brought tears to my eyes. Of the two if I had to choose a fave it would be the final one. It goes perfectly with the prose. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post.

  7. Stunning. I could sit and look at these all day!

  8. These shots simply take my breath away... Totally beautiful, thank you for sharing.

  9. beautiful shots. i still need to do that. when i am next to a river here i am always nervous about bears. i do my best but i need to take better shots.

  10. I enjoyed that. Images and text are wonderful. Being ready to say good-bye is a tough idea!

  11. Really beautiful photos I admire you for being able to take such perfectly exposed shots knowing how hard that is to do in a forest environment.

  12. that's so pretty,
    may I know where is this??

  13. Beautiful photos. It reminds me of Hocking Hills here in Ohio, its one of those non-secret places that is just incredible to see all seasons of the year!

  14. Beautiful.
    We lost a lot of our best fall colors pretty early this year. I am saddened that I didn't get to capture as many. Love the waterfalls. Spectacular.

  15. These photos are so, so lovely. We enjoy waterfalls here in Maine but I haven't managed to get photos as nice as these. I'm inspired, once again.

  16. I think these are my favorite pictures ever. They're great. :)

    I think Christmas is meant to give us something to look forward to once fall ends...

  17. I was hiking there right with you... what a great collection. I could hear the water, smell the follage & feel the chill. Thanks for sharing.

  18. seems we have all been enjoying this autumn season and it's so cool to be able to see what others see - everyone sharing the beauty in their part of the country. Your photos are especially nice and the waterfall shots magnificent. Sad to say goodbye to fall but winter can offer us beauty as well.

  19. That Fall Dam there anyway to make it a DeskTop picture??

    ` signed, your biggest fan.

  20. It's kind of gloomy here today--I need to see those photos!!

  21. Such a really gorgeous place. We have some similar spots here in the Northwest, and they never fail to strike me right where my awe lives.

  22. Wow, those are absolutely beautiful and I like the poem that you posted with them. I really love how you got the water to look so soft as it falls.

  23. Beyond wonderful photos. I wanted to walk into them from my screen.

  24. And I am falling in love with it!

  25. I love the silky texture of the water. Gorgeous!

  26. Outstanding photos. I could live my whole life in a place like that.

  27. Such beautiful photos with amazing scenery and colors! What a lovely tribute to this beautiful area … and wonderful haiku as well ;--)
    Mine’s at Sacred Ruminations today.
    Hugs and blessings,

  28. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!! I love every single one of those shots. The water looks so serene and whispy.

  29. I'm sooo with you. I miss summer already =(
    But maybe we'll get some pretty snow pics this winter lol. One can hope!
    I love these water photo's. Gorgeous. I have never tried moving water before but I will someday!
    I'd love to visit this place...

  30. November is a dreadful "in the middle" month, isn't it?

    Thank goodness for photos and memories :-)

  31. these photos and the "story" with it were just what I needed after a Friday with preschoolers!

    have fun at the Rfestival!

  32. Wow! Gorgeous pictures!

  33. Gosh, your photos are wonderful! :)

  34. Such magnificent photos! I think I would be enlarging them and framing them for hanging around my home! Falling water is so soothing!

  35. Beautiful falls, like stepping stones for mythical forest giants!

  36. this is stunning...beautiful! i love the pics. now, i want to go!

  37. So much beauty, I don't blame you.

  38. Wow what photos!! I love them all, but my favorite was the next last one.
    The haiku wasn't bad either. :)

  39. I so enjoy fall, too, so especially enjoyed your great photos.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. :)

  40. nice pic's jessica spring is on it's way? easter eggs will be in the shops soon?

  41. WOW! These photos are just stunning! I could sit in this kind of scenery for hours, just soaking up the sights, sounds and smells . . . Thanks for sharing!

  42. gorgeous photos - and the poem was very well suited.

    now, please come visit and teach me how to take smooth waterfall shots too. :)

  43. These are glorious! Ah waterfalls. I love them so much.
    These images are the epitome of serene.

  44. simply stunning, each and every one!

  45. Awesome photos! The color and light variations are incredibly amazing...another creation well done.

  46. Beautiful captures - each and every one of them. :)

  47. What a wonderful place! Those waterfalls are gorgeous!

    I am already missing Fall too!

  48. Oh I want to be there! What a wonderful and perfectly autumn looking place to visit! Hope you have a fabulous weekend! :)

  49. The pics are great - I have to come here more often myself. I can't believe how you get the water to look so pure and... well, amazing!

  50. All I can say is WOW. These are amazing shots.

  51. my god jessica how can i tell you how much i love this photo series and the accompanying words? i LOVE the third and fifth ones best! they are all beautifully captured! i would love to see these falls in every season! please post some for the winter too :)
