12 November 2008

Recycle those Pill Bottles

Recycle Pill Bottles

I've collected these for some time now, but have yet to do anything with them.
I decided to find info on possible uses since they can't be recycled.

*Before reusing any empty prescription bottles you should remove the labels.
This will safegaurd your personal information and allow you to throughly santitize the bottles. *

Here's what I came up with:

  • Store seeds inside the bottles and label them according to the type of seed kept inside.
  • Store buttons, beads and other small craft items.
  • Anything loose that never seems to have a place - Store thumb tacks, paperclips, toothpicks, small nails, screws, nuts and bolts.
  • Perhaps you need a coin holder to place in your purse or car, if so, store your loose change in the prescription bottles. This may come in very handy if you have to pay tolls.
  • Use them to neatly store plastic bags in your purse in case you frequently forget your reusable shopping bags.
Pill Bottles


  • A mini-homemade sewing kit would come in handy. Some prescription bottles are big enough to store needles and thread, if not more.
  • A tiny emergency kit to clean a cut or scrape will fit in a prescription bottle: band-aids, cotton balls, q-tips and alcohol wipes.
  • Donate your empty prescription bottles to your local vet or animal shelters. Some places will take prescription bottles and reuse them to fill prescriptions for the animals. Most pharmacies will not take the bottles, but you could call to double check.
  • If you live in Canada you can contact PHARM-ECOLOGICAL online. They work with pharmacies to recycle plastics including prescription bottles. (I haven't read all of the details.)

Those few suggestions only scratch the surface of what they could be used for.
I bet you've got some great ideas for uses that aren't listed here, care to share?!

Speaking of sharing ideas.....
I've got a "GREEN" giveaway going on right now that you may be interested in.
Details about how to enter can be found, HERE.

I would also like to add that, the conditions of the giveaway aren't to torture you for a seemingly measly prize. My intention is to create an opportunity for us to share and maybe learn something new from others in the process. I've already gotten some great ideas from the green gals currently participating. Although it's more than just trying to raise awareness about our environment, I'm also trying to raise awareness about one another. I'm certain that we can work as a unit on issues that affect us all, not just to win "stuff", but to show others how we commit to make the world a better place. The "stuff" is just a small incentive to do that. And because I just like to send packages!

I know that this giveaway isn't for everyone, but if you are interested in meeting like-minded bloggers or learning tips on being green from others who care about the environment, then I urge you to participate in the "Green Giveaway"!


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  1. Good tips! I never thought to reuse pill bottles, but I used to do something similar with film canisters back in the day before DSLRs. :)

  2. check out to get your Eco footprint and see how good you are are at reducing, reusing and recycling.

  3. I saw another great use for those or old film containers, an emergency nail repair kit. Just fill the bottle with a little nail polish remover and stick in a cotton ball. Should you happen to chip your polish you can take it right off and if you have the polish with you repaint your nail!

    Just thought I'd share that idea as well!

  4. These are great ideas. It reminded me how I used to reuse the old film canisters! Remember the little black things with gray lids?

  5. Yeah---I'm so happy you're doing Thrifty Green Thursday! I like using those to hold change--that would be great for my car or my purse since change always falls out of the coin holder of my wallet.

  6. I had never seen something like that bottle around here.
    But yes, that is very creative of you!

  7. A guy I know invented that seed idea back in the 60's. :)
    We use them for coins to save up for video arcade games.

  8. you can also use them to make mini first aid kits for your purse or car. you can put a bandaid, sewing needles, thread, cough drop, etc.

  9. Great ideas. If you get a prescription refilled, do they use the same bottle or give you a new one? (I am not sure if I've ever had a recurring prescription, so I don't know.) If they keep using the same bottle for you, that would be great. I like all the storage possibilities, too. Maybe your kids could use the bottles and pretend to be pharmacists. (Might be a bad idea. Hm.)

    Thanks for joining us for Thrifty Green Thursday!

  10. The plastic bag thing in your purse? THAT is genius.

  11. your photos never cease to surprise me WW!

  12. Ah yes, those are some great ideas. What about storing dried spices in those sterilized bottles! OK ours are transparent so it makes more sense, perhaps...

    RRR is a daily part of our lives, but most everything has been covered, to date. I figure once we move out in the countryside, that's when the differences will really show.

  13. Perhaps not practical but they work great to store porcupine quills ... just in case you had any lying about.

  14. These are really great ideas - I really like using it for an emergency sewing kit. Thank you for stopping by my blog - hope you have a wonderful day! :)

  15. Excellent reminder and suggestions! I used to use them for a variety of things myself but have been donating them to our vet for a while now. She’s most grateful ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  16. Never seen a walgreens pill bottle look better!

    Sorry I haven't visited in a while, I've just gotten really busy over at Danish Poet.

  17. I use an old pill bottle to collect bent, dull or broken pins and needles in my sewing room because if I just throw them in the trash bag, they're going to poke someone! When it gets fairly full, I can either dump the whole thing or wrap the pointy things up safely to throw them away.

  18. Well jessica i use my pill bottles to mix oil paints when useing on big works. and like many people use them for nails, screws,etc and if you need to take your tablets throughout the day, and you are out all day count them and put them in a bottle all done..all the best to you and Cody.

  19. good tips. I never know what to do with them. I use my one remaining film canister for quarters (for the vacuum at the car wash place).

    I like the diptych.

  20. What a wonderful post! We can all identify with that sense of guilt as we toss those containers into the trash. Now we have other options. Thanks for joining us this week for Thrifty Green Thursday!

  21. You know, it's a shame they don't recycle those. Consider how much money the pharmaceutical industry makes I can just imagine how many of these little bottle exist. Or they should at lease re-use the bottles when you go in for refills. What a waste.

  22. I make coin purses out of them and get loads of great comments. They work great because it just drops to the bottom of my purse and is easy to find. I also recycle lots of other things in the decorations.

    I have photo's on my recycle page.

  23. ooo what great ideas!!! sewing kit and mini medical kit.. i like the ideas! thanks!
