Santa Maria Sunset

Santa Maria Sunset

After a few more stops this afternoon, we will be heading back to Jacksonville.
Our time in Saint Augustine has been magnificent. We really lucked out with the weather.
Although, the day we got here I began to feel a tickle or scratchiness in my throat, we
immediately went to Walgreens for a remedy - I didn't want a repeat of Big Sur.
I hate that I am prone to getting sick while on vacation! Thankfully, it didn't get too bad.
The coughing did keep me up some last night, but for the most part, I feel okay.

I have done my best not adhere to a specific itinerary while here is Saint Augustine,
instead, I just let the day proceed where it may. I've been to St. Augustine many times, but
I haven't seen it in the way I have this time around. The camera always sharpens my senses
when I am in a "new" place. It's not new, but it's new - know what I mean!?!?

Anyhow, we have a big day ahead of us......
I better get downstairs to the breakfast part of the Bed and Breakfast!!

  • Today is the last day to enter the giveaway for the magazine subscription to Popular Photography (10 people have entered so far).
  • Click here for details. PROJECT INSPIRATION
  • The photo is of a restaurant near our B&B, we were warned that the food wasn't very good, but it was pretty :o)
  • Posted in Wordful Wednesday


  1. Ooh... love the photo. And I'm jealous that you're in a Bed and Breakfast! Enjoy!

  2. Pretty!!

    Have a great trip. I hope you feel better. :)

  3. The photo is great! Sounds like you are having a great time... hope you are well soon!

  4. That is such a beautiful picture. I am glad you are having a good time on your trip. Bummer that you started feeling a bit icky but glad you got right to the pharmacy for a fix.
    Enjoy the rest of your time.

  5. Love that glassy water and the purple hues... you caught it well, to say the least.
    Continue to have a wonderful trip & keep up the good work.

  6. Hope the breakfast was good. That's my favorite part of Bed and Breakfast!

  7. I love how the color of the sky is reflected in the water...Gorgeous!

  8. That is lovely! The reflections on the water are very nice.

  9. I love B&B. :)

    I'm glad you're having fun! I love the color of the sky and the sign's reflection.

  10. Oh dear, I hope that whatever sickness it is, it leaves you soon! You deserve a fine vacation.

    Lovely sunset that looks surreal too! Lovely!

  11. You don't have to eat there to get a great picture. This is beautiful!

  12. This photo is really pretty. Maybe there is a bug going around, as I am not so well either coughing, sore throat and losing my voice.
    Its never nice to be sick on a holiday, I hope it passes quickly.

  13. that's looked very nice, with the darken edges, it's just perfect

  14. Wonderful Photo Enjoy thanksgiving.

  15. That's a beautiful shot. I hope you're having a great thanksgiving and that the scratchy throat is better.

  16. you did heed warning, right. great shot, but craptastic food. i forgot you were headed down there. i should have thrown some fantastic food recs your way. oh well. hope you had/are having fun is st. aug.

  17. Looove the green reflection in the water... très poetic photo, ya done good :-D

    Please stay healthy!

  18. Beautiful photo here I love the sky the lights the reflections... very good shot. :-)

  19. Hey, I got my cards in the mail.. thanks - just beautiful!

  20. Love that glassy water and the purple hues...picture perfect.

  21. Really great capture here. I got my cards yesterday - wonderful!! Thanks!

  22. Beautiful shot. I love the Santa Maria seasoning. Are you familiar with it?

  23. The shot is absolutely amazing. Truly. Looks like a perfect postcard. I'm glad you had such a wonderful day!

  24. What a beautiful photo! I hope you're feeling better, too. :)

  25. I love photos of really wet water!

  26. What a beautiful shot. I feel your pain though, I'm pretty prone to get sick myself on vacation.
