Pacing Myself

Pace Yourself--Reminder {4}
Pace Yourself.

Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. ~Earl Nightingale~

I came across a rather thought provoking post today, something that is congruent to the thoughts that have been swimming around in my head lately. Until I decided to reply to this particular post, I hadn't really thought about forming my thoughts into any sort of conclusion about what my "deal" is right now, but I did.

Explaining that I have found myself in a slight respite when it comes to photography. Currently, I am not putting a whole lot of emphasis on that aspect of my life. It is not because I don't think it's important, because it is-very. But, I am coming to recognize that there are equally important things going on in my life that need a lot more attention than my camera. Deciding to let it be what it is (for now) because I don't want to force it. Otherwise, I am putting myself in exactly the opposite position of where I would really like to be.

Jokingly, I admitted that I hadn't a clue as to where I really wanted to be. That's not entirely true. I do know. I'm working on it. However, it is not going to happen overnight and I can accept that.

Lately, my focus has been on:

~Preparing for a garden
~Rebalancing household duties
~Going to bed & waking up earlier
~Actually doing things with other people (flesh friends)
~Lending a creative hand to PACT (Newsletter, flyers, t-shirts)
~Design ideas for a book containing remembrances of our last trip
~Organizing piece by piece (Currently working on my bedroom--clothes)
~A Cooking Class that will teach me various ways to prepare what will come from the garden and our CSA.

This week has been especially busy, but I'm enjoying it (I will also enjoy my 3-day weekend!). I am really making an effort to open myself up for new and interesting experiences. Things I have been foolishly sheltering myself from for far too long now. If I take a few less pictures because I'm too busy thinking about other 'stuff', so be it--my harddrive will thank me!


  1. lovely, I am so tempted to get this picture up on my wall. You remind me of old french setting everytime looking at this :-)

  2. i like that distinction between blogging friends and flesh friends :)

  3. i really needed this today. thank you for being real about where you areright now. i am able to learn from you and i am able to relate.

    pace yourself... thank you! i will.

    the photo took my breath away.

  4. your life is at pace with where you need it to be and that is good. i appreciate your work and look forward to each photograph you share here

  5. Life is a juggling act and some times we have to drop one ball to pick up another. The cooking classes sound like fun.

  6. seems many of us are going through such times. i think it's sort of a time of spring cleaning of our lives -putting things in order in our home and activities - reevaluating. i'm know i'm feeling that need.
    i like the things you're focusing on now. one i desperately need to work on is going to bed and waking up earlier.

  7. Sometimes you have to take time and refocus.

  8. Jess take time to regroup without feeling bad. Yes we are photographer; but we are also lots of other things...that in My life sometimes get pushed back. So it's good to take a breath; and deal with other things for a bit..knowing that your camera is close at hand. And you will get the ferver back again soon. =)

    LOVE your fence photo!

  9. Such a homey pic. :)

    Taking a break is good, but just make sure you're removing a stress rather than removing something that brings you peace...

  10. What a beautiful shot - it's absolutely gorgeous. Sounds like you've got things in perspective and have lots of great things to come in the future!! Well done :)

  11. Wonderful thought and lovely photo. Placing balance in your life? Good for you.

  12. I love that photo and the quote. I needed to hear that. I'm working on a lot of similar things right now and I often feel overwhelmed at the enormity of the tasks I face. Working on it is better than avoiding it. Thanks!

  13. Not that many people will notice but my photoblog has taken a major back-burner in my life the past few months...

    Sometimes you just have to focus on other things and only snap photos if the urge grabs you, otherwise it becomes a chore and what's the point? It only destroys a hobby :-)

    So yeah. Breathe. Relax. ENJOY!


  14. nice post. I haven't been blogging long, but I find it can be quite time consuming if one allows it. I think finding balance in life is very important. the picture is so serene, thanks for your thoughts. Hope you can stop by to view my photo hunt Thanks so much.

  15. Priorities change. What is important one day might not be important the next, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. When we come back to it, it is with renewed enthusiasm. I, too, like your distinction between blog friends and "flesh" friends. =)

  16. I think you are wonderful so however you choose to spend your time, I'm sure it will be worthwhile.

    Your list sounds neat! And inspiring.

  17. It's always good to take stock of your life and re-prioritize now and then and it's especially good to write it down, as you did, so to better focus yourself. You're right that blogging and photography can be time-consuming...but that is toward the top of my list of priorities and growth opportunities right now. I'm sure there will be times when it changes, though :)

    Your list sounds great...

  18. Beautiful realization. It reminds me of my friend, Dottie, who learned to play the organ in her late 70s. One of her friends asked, "Do you know how old you'll be when you learn to play the organ?" She replied, "The same age I'll be if I DON'T learn to play the organ." I will never forget that! :)

    Enjoy your long weekend!!

  19. Your photos are wonderful..I love the messages which accompany the visual. I found your site today, at just the right time in my life! Our photography life comes in spurts, and becomes very consuming. That's okay...except for what you have described today. There are other things which need my attention..and I want to bend my attention those ways.
    I will be back for more inspiration:).

  20. we do what we need to do when we need to do it. so go do what you need to do and what feels good to you. I can identify with those thoughts myself. I'll be tackling my bedroom organization tomorrow,.. doing laundry today. Cheers!

  21. life ebbs and flows

    as do our various interests and parts of our life


    i went to the store today and stocked up on supplies to start acrylic painting (again, why did i ever get rid of my supplies, LOL) - i am looking forward to making a mess

  22. Good for you! It's all about balancing your passions and being present with each.
