After sitting in a classroom-like setting nearly all day on Saturday, for the NC Wildlife Federation Leadership Summit, we were dying to get out and about. Speaking of dying, the heat was unbearable! Nonetheless, I still managed to persuade Cody into making a trip to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens before retreating back to our beloved mountains.

Botanical gardens, for me, are all about unearthing new and fascinating plant life. Normally, during our usual treks through the woods, we are on the lookout for interesting and unusual flora, but being in an area where everything is in one place is like a FREE FOR ALL!

Armed with a map, we began our leisurely 'stop and stroll' through the lush landscape. Unlike most ventures when Cody is stuck waiting for me while I capture images, he actually joined in on the flower-photo-frenzy. Flowers are the most amazing subjects to study with their varying colors, smells, and designs. We spent hours appreciating them. In my eyes, they are works of art.

One thing that was especially unpleasant, though, was how stiflingly hot it was in Charlotte! I really don’t know how I survived in Florida for all those years. The mild mountain climates have spoiled me rotten!
Lucky for us, it wasn’t hard finding flowing water throughout the gardens with various fountains spewing liquid gold. Occasionally, I would dip my hand in and splash myself for a few moments of much needed relief.

Imagine my delight when we crept up to this inviting canopy of geyser-like proportions shooting through the air from both directions. It was basically daring you to walk though the tunnel without getting wet. Nearly impossible. I don’t know about you, but my main objective was to time it just right for maximum soakage! Ahhh….sweet relief!

Another saving grace was the very friendly golf cart shuttle driver who was more than happy to give us a ride back to the front of the grounds. He even told us to come back and he’d take us on another breezy cruise!
Join me on Monday for Part 2:
Next stop: The Orchid Conservancy!