Here is the homemade birthday card that Cody had waiting for me on my pillow when I got back from the bathroom this morning. I just knew he was up to something yesterday when I got home from work because he had the guiltiest look on his face! But either way it's an awesome card now you have to make sure that you talk like a Rastafarian when you read the card mon'!!! I really like how he did the letters by twisting strips of paper, I'm going to make him show me how to do it later. I'm hoping to get a massage today instead of waiting for the outrageous prices in Vegas, I'll definitely get more for "Cody's" money here in Boone. The weather is absolutely perfect here right now - I just love this time of year in the mountains. And today is so unbelievably clear how could we resist getting outside for a hike. I haven't done a whole lot to prepare for Vegas although over the weekend I do plan on figuring out what I'm going to take with me. I've got to keep in mind that we are only there for four days so I don't need to over do it with the over-packing. I would like to find another pair of jeans but I haven't had any luck with shopping lately. Even last night didn't produce any results.........Once I'm there it won't matter a whole lot I'm sure so there is no need for me to get worked up. I can't believe we are now only 3 days away before we whisk ourselves off to the city that never sleeps. I know that I'm going to have to give all I got to keep up since I fair going to bed early now. I'm sure it will be hard to sleep with all the excitement so I'll be able to manage. This week we called and made reservations at the restaurant that I have dreamed about eating at since I saw the ad in my guide to Vegas. It's the "Top of the World Restaurant" in the Stratosphere Hotel; our reservations are for the sunset so I'm looking forward to the amazing view during dinner. Aside from outdoor activities I think that we'll mostly be playing it by ear. I wasn't really up for an itinerary that made me feel rushed in anyway during our visit. Of course we won't get to experience everything but we'll get around - if you know what I mean. Okay, I suppose that I've had enough lazing around the house it's time for me to figure out the plans for the day since it's my BIRTHDAY!!!!

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