This is one of several giveaways I plan to do from now until Christmas.
I'm sure you're curious to know what is coming, but that's for
me to know, and for you to find out! Typical. I know.
My goal for doing a series of giveaways is to, not
only promote Wayfaring Wanderer, but to do
something for those of you that
do so much to enrich my life.
I have met an amazing bunch via this blog, and through other people's blogs as well.
I have always tried to make it a point to find new people that pique my interest.
I've met writers, scrapbookers, digital/mixed media artists,
and of course, other photographers.

Sometimes I hide, but most times I'll comment. I'm a big commenter.
Other blogger's comment section is sometimes how I find new and interesting people.
And, more often than not, that's how someone will find my blog.
But let's do something different!
Instead of your typical leave a comment-and-your-
entered-to-win-giveaway, let's take the time to showcase someone
in the blogosphere who is special to you. In doing so, you get to recognize
a friend, and we can possibly meet someone new.
Let's share the love........
Nominate a fellow blogger to win a set of these greeting cards!
(This Giveaway is now CLOSED)
- Please leave a comment stating who you would like to nominate and why.
- If you would also like to receive an entry for yourself without receiving a nomination, just post about the giveaway, and the nominee at your blog. (if you do so, let me know)
- The winner will be announced on Tuesday. We plan to draw names.
- And since this giveaway is part of a series of giveaways, any nominations or entries received will continue to tally throughout the entire series of giveaways.
- i.e. If you receive any nominations or entries during this giveaway, they will carry over into the next giveaway. No math necessary, that increases your odds of winning.
- I will pick three winners to receive two cards each.
- And because I want you all to win some of the cool stuff I have in mind to bestow upon you, bloggers are only eligible to win one giveaway in the series.
- Please do not add this or any of WW's giveaways to those giveaway link blogs.....I want this to be for friends, and about friends.
This is in response to the long overdue
pay it forward challenge from
Angry Asian Creations.
Well, I have about four people I could nominate, but if I can only choose one it would have to be Elizabeth. Elizabeth is the first person to comment regularly on my photos and it was nice to feel I wasn't alone in the blogosphere. She's also how I found your blog. I was lurking on yours before you commented on mine. :)
What a wonderful idea, I think this is so cool. I also could nominate a few people.
ReplyDeleteI am going to chose Keri (from http://littlekiwis.blogspot.com/). Awhile ago she gave me an “I love your blog” award and I never posted it, but I really did appreciate it. It was such a lovely feeling to know that she thought my blog was worth the mention. I admire Keri’s portrait photography and think it goes from strength to strength.
Good luck Keri, I hope you win one of the beautiful Christmas card you deserve it.
How fun! I've met some amazing women through the blogosphere and it's so hard to pick just one. One that always inspires is Hel from Truth Cycles. Her prose combined with photos make my heart melt.
Awesome, what an amazing idea. Well I'd like to nominate my friend Melissa. We have known one another since we were 4 years old and lost touch for a while during college. But now we are both on blogger and she is living in Ohio again with her husband and beautiful son and we are getting closer again. She has always been there for me through thick and thin and I love her like a sister.
This is a nice idea! I'd like to nominate Maryann--she has wonderful photos, too. I found her via your blog, and I look forward to her comments every week!http://maryannbever.blogspot.com/2008/10/rain-or-shine.html
ReplyDeletethe king captures new york through a view we can relate to.
this is a really cool idea. But there are so many blogger friends that i would like to nominate, I don't think I can choose just one.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to nominate Liss. She was one of my first regular blog commentors & has been a continual source of encouragement & she's very talented & funny & enough ands...
I'd like to nominate my friend Jen. I met her through an old blog I used to have and she's always inspiring to me - even with two kids (I can barely handle my one!) she gets twice as much done as I do. She rocks!
I nominate Jules stone... http://julesstones.blogspot.com/ for thinking of others.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to nominate Julia from godblessedstar.blogspot.com :-)
ReplyDeleteI love her post!!
apologise for the typo, I mean
Hmmm...I nominate someone who has had a tough week and could do with a lovely little surprise.
Only one? Then I nominate Mary (http://marys-view.blogspot.com/). Mary writes with compassion and humor and her photographs are excellent. Every post is a delight. She is especially deserving because winter and its darkness give her the doldrums. Who else would create a barn swallow nest from clay and mud because she accidentally knocked one down?
ReplyDeleteI got lost halfway through the rules! Now you know why I'm the worst student in the world... is it ok to just sit back and watch?
The laziest blogger evah
Fantastic idea! I'm nominating Stacy from The Land of KA. I can't remember how I discovered her blog but I visited her site for inspiration lots of times before I actually started my own blog. I was tickled when I received a comment from her and want to show the love back.
ReplyDeleteI nominate Pippa http://myartylife.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeletebecause I found you through her blog and because she loves bautiful things.
I hope we get to nominate more people later! I have a number of people that I would nominate, but will have to start with my sister because she really is my best friend. And even though she rarely posts photos on her blog, and even though finishing Med school apparently takes higher priority than updating her blog regularly, I love her posts because they are intelligent, articulate, and often-times humorous. I wish I could write like her. :)
I hope there will be more chances to nominate others, because there are several I would like nominate later. But this time I nominate ELK - she was the first one to leave a comment on our blog and she has left one every single day since - always with a loving and encouraging words.
I'd like to nominate Monica (http://withoutfilters.blogspot.com/). She's always got great photos, great stories and is just super nice.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to be "tagging" you on my blog, shortly. ;) Just sharing the love.
OK OK I got poxed on if I didn't participate, LOL! I nominate the lovely ELK:
Um, I prolly mixed up the rules, please tell me what to do next! LOL!
goodness this is a beautiful give- away and very difficult to come up with only ONE out of so many meaningful blogs out there I have made such nice blog friends that my gray hair is slowing down!
ReplyDeletethis photo blog is two days old with a beautiful layout and photos
- Shelli Pabis Photography.
Shelli is married, a mother to a beautiful brown-eyed boy, cats and a dog as well as an accomplished writer. I enjoy her various talents but more importantly her friendship:
click on SP Photography for her new photo page !
What a great idea! Okay - thinking ... thinking...
ReplyDeleteI'd like to nominate Bridge from Ride the Waves of Life because she has been a loyal follower of my blog from early on.
Happy Love Thursday!
This is SO much fun. Can I nominate you? I would, if I could, because your blog is so lovely, and always has a lovely quote or thought. However, here goes
ReplyDelete1. DaGoddess- She is an amazing storyteller and photographer.
2. San Diego Mamma - I love her writing prompts - and she's so damn brave to print pictures of her procedure.
3. Flutter - she's too damn cool.
what a great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteso i thought about it for 24 hours... and i nominate Michelle of http://greetingarts.typepad.com/greetingarts/
she creates such beautiful, thoughtful crafts for her daughters and i just so enjoy her blog.
thank you!
Ooo!! I'd nominate Techno, but you already know her, so I'll nominate the lovely and talented Marrisa. YEY!
ReplyDeleteMarrisa is super awesome.
Since you stopped by my blog, I'd like to nominate my Friday Featured Blogger, Cathy from The Clothesline (http://theclothesline-cathy.blogspot.com/)! (gee, where did I get that idea? :)
ReplyDeleteI like reading her posts for Thrifty Green Thursday, as well as her other musings.
This is a fun contest! I can't wait to see who wins.
OK...WW, I will take you up on that offer and nominate someone...
ReplyDeleteToday it has to be...
She is giving, thoughtful and funny!...not only in posting but commenting too...Love her insight, words, images and music links!
BTW Hope your feeling better soon!
I was just going to nominate Liss, and I just saw that she nominated me too! :)
ReplyDeleteshe always leaves the nices comments for me and has been a fun person to get to know. I admire her didication to her children and her photos are beautiful. I know someone else nominated her as well, now she has double the chance. And since she is just giving it away anyway...well that just cause shes soooo nice!
I hope you win Liss!!
"I want this to be for friends and about friends" - how lovely!
ReplyDeleteI nominate Vix, who is a constant encouragement to me.
First, thank you for doing this and for also letting me know I was nominated. Thank you ELK!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to nominate my friend and photographer, Maya. She's the one that got me back into photography. She is also doing a "black & white only November" challenge that I'm joining in on. She takes wonderful photos.
This is such a great idea! I am nominating my sister Elizabeth. Not because she nominated me, which I just found out, but because she's such a supportive, caring person and every night before going to bed I have to check her blog.... just in case she has another photo of her dog, Atlas, dressed up in clothes. All of her pictures are amazing, but her photos of Atlas always make me chuckle. Her perspective on life really shows in her blog.
How lovely to be nominated...thank you Jaime! It is hard to think of blogs that inspire me, since there are so many out there.
ReplyDeleteOne that inspires me for her heart and her struggles with her beautiful boys is Melody at Slurping Life. She has opened my eyes through these past few years of the world that surrounds special needs children and how strong their parents have to be.
This is so cool! I wish I could nominate everyone I love to read. But I'd like to nominate Honey Mommy, one of our fellow Fraiku-ers. I really enjoy her blog, and I think she definitely deserves more traffic.
oh, i almost missed the deadline. I want to nominate my local, as in real life, friend Casey who just started blogging.
She's honest, writes nice poetry, makes lovely jewelry and is a great homemaker and mother.
Next time around I'll nominate my other real life friend.
=( It's Tuesday here.
ReplyDeleteSorry about being late, dear. I just got back to my desk. I love your idea and item for giveaway. A big heart you have. =)
I didn't make it on time for this, and I simply know too many good bloggers to just nominate one. I look forward to the next partcipation perhaps.
Ok babe, if I must nominate one...
ReplyDeleteIt must be BP from
A wonderful mom to 2 and a new baby. An amazing lady who is unpretentious, always encouraging and sincere. She's a real deal of inspiration to me, makes me believe that I can do better, as I approach the coming stages in life.
I hope that this isn't adding burden to her already busy days. Can't help it, she's outstanding. =)
What a wonderful way to meet :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry it took me so long - I've been writing exams.
If I have to choose one I choose:
because she walks her dogs through heaven and makes me feel like art is life.
dang. sorry I missed this.