Saint Augustine Lighthouse

The lighthouse, built in 1874, is Saint Augustine's oldest surviving brick structure.

Ruby Red Lighthouse

This beacon of light serves as more than just a navigational aid,
it also illuminates an ancient cities maritime past.

Saint Augustine Lighthouse

Rising 165ft above sea level, you must climb 219 steps to reach the top.

One step at a time

Once you have conquered the climb, you are handsomely rewarded with breathtaking


panoramic views of the surrounding city and its beaches.

View from the top

The tower was automated sometime in 1955 so there are no more
'real' light keepers' on the grounds.


However, the light keepers' house has been restored and is now home to a museum
with WWII memorabilia and various other artifacts found from shipwreck ruins.

The Keepers' Home & Museum

We spent a couple hours walking around the grounds,
they had some trails but they didn't really lead anywhere.
The ocean across the street was a short walk so we hopped over there.
I ended up talking photography with an older gentleman who has been shooting the
lighthouse for many years. He jokingly said that he's gotten almost every angle possible.
I wonder if he found the secret spot where I discovered the red hibiscus?!?!

Only because I myself stumbled upon the scene by accident.
It was after Cody and I had left, we drove down the
main road and on our way back past the lighthouse, I thought,
"I should stop real quick and try to get another shot of the top portion".

I wasn't really happy with the other ones I had taken across the street.
I really didn't want to stop again, although I did anyway - very glad I did.
And after I had taken a few photos, I went back to the car where Cody was waiting,
but then I quickly turned back around once I noticed a bush with red flowers.
I ran back over. I was so giddy, it was as if I hit the jackpot or something!
I almost missed out on it twice....if that doesn't tell you to
GO WITH YOUR GUT.....I don't know what does.

I always try to keep in mind that I won't get a redo
and this instance was a very good exercise for remembering that!

I hope you enjoyed the tour of Saint Augustine's Lighthouse.
If you are interested in reading a bit more,
here is their website.

Posted in Wordful Wednesday

just for giggles
Cody's Spitball
Cody heard the guy tell these boys they could spit from over on that side.
Naturally, he had to try it for himself :)


  1. These photos are absolutely gorgeous. Are you a professional?

  2. beautiful photos. lighthouses are so interesting.

  3. I love, love, love lighthouses and have been to a few on the Oregon coast, but these shots are really just perfect! Wow.

  4. Beautiful pictures. I love all the interesting angles!

  5. I love lighthouses and this one is great! Great images and lucky you to find that hibiscus! Great capture.

  6. V E R T I G O.

    Lovely views. But I'd stay on the ground and look up. LOL

    I'm new to Wordful Wednesday and posted my first W W today. Hope you can stop by if you can find time.

  7. Always go with the gut feelings...
    something/someone important is speaking to you.
    I love the 'spit' shot the best ;)

  8. beautiful place and what a view... :-)

  9. I love the colors in these, and the clouds! Such clear and pretty photos. Looks like a fun trip.

  10. that is such a breath-taking view, and I love the backrop a lot - a clear blue sky!

  11. I took some pictures of that same lighthouse on our last visit to St. Augustine. Yours are better though I have to admit. Thanks for the memories.

  12. Beautiful pictures! The clouds in the second just *make* that picture. Gorgeous!

  13. Beautiful.. the angles are so interesting & perfect color sat... love them.. spitting and all.

  14. I love the first one. That was a great catch. :)

  15. The shot with the hibicus in the front is pretty darn looks better than a postcard. I really, really enjoyed this sounds like a day trip I'd adore.

  16. What a beautiful view! Your photos are amazing.

  17. Love these shots!! I'm so glad you went back and got the shot with the flowers in the foreground. I'd love to climb to the top of a lighthouse.

  18. I'm lovin' that staircase!

  19. That is a beautiful lighthouse and your pictures are amazing. Great job on the one with hibiscus.

  20. That cloud formation behind the light house is glorious. And the angle you got on the spiral staircase is wonderful. Great shots!

  21. Such beautiful photography - you're so talented! :)

  22. i have been there...and it is so stunning. now, i need to be at the beach and all will be perfect!!! great pics!

  23. I really like the stairwell shot.

  24. The 2nd and 3rd photos from the top had me swooning - soooo beautiful!

    Enjoyed the history lesson too... the spit, not so much! LOL!

  25. I agree with everyone else, these are amazing photos. And very professionally done (incluing the circle around the spit, very helpful - lol). that spiral one is just gorgeous.

    Thanks for your visit and for leaving your link back here, you have a very nice blog!

  26. so jealous. we are hoping to make it there next summer to meet a bunch of college friends. hope it works out. thanks for the memories...

  27. ok .. those first three photos are simply amazing. just amazing. wow. now I want to find a staircase. :)

  28. these photos are post card perfect. Makes me want to visit.
    I love them.

  29. thank you for the beautiful tour of the St Augustine Lighthouse. beautiful photos - especially the first one. i love the red.

    feeling lonely over on my blog. i go away for a week and every one leaves me. sad

  30. I LOVE the photo of the stairs. Very pretty!

  31. After 34 comments you must certainly know that this is one of your most splendid, professional sets yet. The catch with the flowers (and the accompanying lesson) should be sold to the Lighthouse foundation (they have one, don't they?) to be made into postcards. See about it, ok?

  32. As always, you make magic with your camera. The lighthouse stairs are pure magic.
