
Luray Caverns: A Subterranean Wonderland


Step into a world where enormous underground chambers are filled with countless stalactites and stalagmites that are 4,000,000 centuries in the making. Cathedral-sized rooms with ceilings 10 stories high are home to a myriad of fantastical forms.


This 'subterranean wonderland' is a place where natural curiosities can be experienced and imaginations can be exercised around every jagged corner.

{Fried Eggs}

As much fun as it may be to think up your own variations, the self-guided audio tour will answer questions that you didn't know you had, as well as share historic and geological information about the cave. During our tour, I recall many jaw-dropping moments as we wound our way through the grand cavern. For instance, my favorite and most astonishing discovery was the sea of stone that seemed to go on forever.

After realizing that what we were actually looking at was a reflection of the ceiling, I was still in disbelief about what I was seeing!? It was very appropriately named Wonder Lake.


I don't know how long it took other people to navigate their way to the end, but the brochure suggested a 1 hour time frame. We, on the other hand, took 2 hours! I didn't mind letting everyone pass us because we weren't in any hurry. In fact, we took extremely long pauses at nearly every juncture to bask in the magnificence of this natural landmark.

{Wishing Well}

Traipsing around underground in Luray Caverns wasn't the only thing we did on our most recent trip to Shenandoah Valley National Park. I still have more of natures wonders to share with you!

Join me on Monday for our next stop:
Waterfalls of Shenandoah National Park!