(From Conservation International)
So far, I've only had 12 requests to plant trees with the Nature Conservancy in honor of Earth Day. My intention is to match the total request, each request being $1.00, right now the total donation would be 24 trees. If you have yet to leave a comment on "Where's Your Green?!", you may do so now. I don't plan to donate until this evening, so there is still time!!
Start by making small changes.
Today, implement one change that will help the environment.
Start with the grocery store:
Look for products with minimal packaging, and while you're at it, take a reusable canvas tote instead of answering the all encompassing question of, "Paper or Plastic".
More than 380 million plastic bags are thrown away in the
At home:
Instead of buying individually packaged bottles of water, why not upgrade to a water filter, and fill up a reusable container. Any plastic container, that has the numbers - 2,4, or 5 is safe. You can find this number by checking the bottom of the bottle in the middle of the recycling triangle logo.
Eliminate plastic utensils and paper plates/cups in the kitchen, these items most likely can not be reused.
Get rid of the junk.......CATALOGS......I suffer from receiving unwanted catalogs on a constant basis. No matter how many times I've called to be removed from the mailing list, I continue to receive them month after month! I read about this new and FREE service the other night called: catalogchoice.org A quick sign up allows you to search, select, and decline those unsolicited catalogs you don't really need.
Not only does junk mail clog up your mailbox, it also requires an estimated 100 million trees and 20 billion gallons of water every year.
And of course:
Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) use four times less energy than incandescent ones. If every American family substituted five CFL bulbs for incandescent, it would be equivalent to taking eight million cars off the road for a year. Ball says "They cost a little more up front, but they last up to 15 times longer."
ReplyDeleteI try, but I'm flawed. :(
When I clicked on "Where is your green" nothing happen. Where do I go to leave a comment?
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for folks like you. I want to be a better green lover but I don't do as much as I should, can.
prin: just remember that every little bit helps....don't try to do everything at once....start small!
ReplyDelete1218: I've already got you covered, you left a comment on that post already (it's a few posts down) so I will be planting a tree for you!!! It all depends on fitting things into YOUR lifestyle, you can't do everything :o)
buying a water filter best thing ever.saved me hundred's of pounds.that's why i'm rich.coffee and tea taste much better.just fill your bottles.and buy green inks for your printers.cut down on your driving.when crafting reuse paper and card that comes with packageing.And keep old tea bags and once a week put them on your roses and see your roses flower and any other plants.just put them around the plants and let the rain do the rest and every so often dig them in lightly.more to come.?
ReplyDeleteI've been using a water filter for years... and I've recently starting bringing my own nylon bags for groceries, I love them.
ReplyDeleteI walk whenever I can (gas is too expensive! I guess that's a good thing... makes me drive less) and I try to buy biodegradable stuff when I think of it... recycled paper... etc.
I recycle as much as I can every week but there is still a long ways to go. Keep posting these tips and tricks, they are a great reminder of all the things we can do to help!
Long life bulbs, buying organic when I can, reusable bags, recycling as much as possible. I know I could do more - if I'd known how long my kids would have been in nappies (diapers) I would have gone down the cloth route. I'll have to save that for when I am a grandma...
ReplyDeleteWay to go on the trees and I'll be thinking of you camping out under the stars. Have a great time :)
Thanks for your visit to my birds blog. You missed the narcissus bulb fly on my brookville blog. Earth Day is also there.
ReplyDeleteYou have a very nice blog here and it is filled with lots of useful information. I would have to come back and spend some more time to take more of it in.
Hello! We've been making a concerted effort to recycle in our house and it's so easy to do and so shocking to see all the potential waste!
POD: I haven't heard the tea bag thing before.....thanks!
ReplyDeleteTD: I'm thinking that I should start walking to work also....too bad I wouldn't have cool stuff/bldgs to take photos of on my way!
Sian: Since you said the word trees, I'll plant one for you too :o) I can't wait to sleep under the stars!!
Abraham: Your bird blog is awesome, I love being able to identify them! Thanks for your visit :o)
RR: I feel the same way when we take everything to the dump, it's definitely an eye opener!
EVERYONE: I am so happy to hear about all of the things you to to be green, I really do believe that every little bit helps :o) Thank you!
Great post. We all need to pitch in to keep our planet green. I use plastic but I reuse them usually three times before I put them in the recycle bin.