
Facing My 30's Fearlessly!


In a few short hours, I will be crossing the threshold of my tumultuous twenties and stepping into, what I know will be, my burgeoning thirties. Unlike many other people passing this milestone, I won't be entering my thirties plagued by hesitation or crippled by reservations. Quite the contrary, actually.

For the first time in my life, I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be, barreling down a path that I'm not afraid to conquer. It's scary, yes. But I'm not scared.

I'm also not feeling unsure or confused about what I should be doing with my life because I know, and I'm doing it. It's been staring me dead in the face for longer than I care to admit, but I wasn't ready to fully engage with such "risky" endeavors until now.

In the past seven months (since I was laid off), there have been some major transformations taking place to prepare me for this next phase. Being pushed into doing something that I wouldn't have mustered the courage to do on my own has turned out to be the greatest gift I could have ever been given.

Since I've been away from the confines of an oppressive office environment, I have realized that the talents I possess shouldn't be squandered. Instead of quickbooks and spreadsheets, I should be utilizing my camera and other skills to demonstrate what it is that I am really capable of creating.

Along with awakenings, this time has been for healing, too. Emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally, nothing has been exempt. I have emerged an entirely different person, one who is happy, confident & motivated. And I'm feeling more determined than ever to transform my long-held dreams into a reality.

So, no, I'm not scared of facing the vast amounts of amazingness that lies ahead of me. Okay, so, maybe I'm actually terrified. But you know what?! I'm going to do it anyway :D

This is me saying that I'm willing to do what it takes to make it happen, all while embracing the unknown with reckless abandon. I want you to know....I want the universe to know....Hell, I want to shout it from the rooftops! I'm not afraid of the BIG BAD 3-0! Bring it :P

Facing My 30's Fearlessly

You know what else I want to shout from the rooftops? That, I love you. You, meaning, all the beautiful people who support me and believe that I have something special to share. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, it really means the world to me.

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