From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I learned that my life was no longer my private business. Anyone and everyone thought it appropriate to comment on everything from my size to my food choices. Before I had good sense about it, I felt a little beat down by all those external expectations. At that moment, I promised that I would love and nurture me! How do I do it? I strive to practice these five principles.
Here are 5 Ways Moms Can Practice Self-Love Everyday.
1. Be confident that YOU know best.
Doubting that parenting decision? Don’t. I might not always feel confident in my parenting decisions but acting confident seems to make life a little easier. For me, this is a ‘fake it ’til I make it’ principle. We all know that every person on this planet has advice on how to raise kids. Thank you lady in the grocery store line for telling me my baby is clearly cold. I really appreciate it! NOT. Just because someone has different ideas does not mean that you are doing anything wrong. My baby happens to be hot natured and he doesn't need to wear socks every time we leave the house. Thank you very much!
Moms have an incredible instinct when it comes to their kids and should feel confident about that.
When that nice lady pipes up with her advice, just smile and nod, knowing that you have made the right decision for you and your family. Mama knows best!

2. Love and accept you for YOU.
“I should have or could have or should be or could be.” NOPE, don’t do it. Stop the judgment and criticism. Loving yourself means loving ALL of you, especially the imperfectly perfect parts! Stop judging every decision you make or every flaw that you see and start living. We are our harshest critics but it isn't productive and we end up just feeling guilty and worthless.
Let go of all the criticism and expectations, just enjoy being a mom.
Trust me, you aren't alone. Just last week, we had company and I noticed that some of my panties were on the couch in a pile of clean clothes. Oh well. Hello world, I wear panties and I haven’t had time to put them away. Sorry, you will have to deal.
Related Article: "Make some time for you & attend an art class. I have taken several online and gone to some in person, and now teach art classes so I can share the benefits w/ others." [...] 5 Ways To Practice Self-Love With Art | L I N K »
3. Let go for YOU.
Wouldn't it be nice if things were just how you wanted them? Let’s face it, that’s probably not gonna happen all the time so you might as well accept those things you can’t change and move on! In our house, we have a baby that has severe re-flux. I don’t mean he spits up some. I mean, all day every day on any and all surfaces, dogs, toys, mom, dad, bed sheets, and clothes are covered in half digested breast milk and pureed foods. We can’t change it, trust me, we have tried. I completely changed my diet, I have fed the boy probiotics since week one, I have rubbed him head to toe in every concoction known to man. Nothing works! The doctor says he will grow out of it. We accept it as it is and move on. Maybe you have to accept that your toddler wants to dress herself in a princess costume EVERY DAY for school or that all of your house plants died because you forgot they needed water to thrive. It’s okay!
Let it go and accept that this is the way things are for now.
In time, your life will probably come back to a more “normal,” less chaotic place, but I bet you a zillion dollars that you will miss the days full of slobbery kisses, half digested food on every surface, and sticky hands touching everything. I know I will!
4. Know when YOU need to to say no.
I know you want to be super mom but if you’re feeling exhausted, like you have been run ragged. Look at what can be changed. Maybe all you need to learn is how to say NO!
You don’t have to do it all. Here is your permission to do what you can and no more.
For me, this meant leaving my job. I realize a lot of moms don’t have this option but it was the only way that I could have the time and energy to spend on my family. Maybe for you this means skipping out on an out-of-town event or locking yourself in your house for an entire weekend so you can stay in your PJs without brushing your hair or your teeth. It’s fine! SLOW DOWN and feel confident that by not over-committing, you are doing a great service to yourself and your family.

5. Find time for the things YOU love!
Let go of the guilt and breathe, hand the kids over to your husband, and lock the bathroom door. Fill up the tub with warm water, crank up some music, and R E L A X. It’s okay. He can handle it, I swear, and he may even appreciate you more when you emerge from your “you time.”
You can only care for your family if you are feeling well yourself. Think about what you need to be whole and well.
For me, it’s a hot bath with the aroma of lavender filling the air, a massage, wholesome food, and finding time to create things. Whatever it is… DO IT. Don’t put it off. You deserve an hour to yourself every now and then so indulge!
4. Know when YOU need to to say no.
I know you want to be super mom but if you’re feeling exhausted, like you have been run ragged. Look at what can be changed. Maybe all you need to learn is how to say NO!
You don’t have to do it all. Here is your permission to do what you can and no more.
For me, this meant leaving my job. I realize a lot of moms don’t have this option but it was the only way that I could have the time and energy to spend on my family. Maybe for you this means skipping out on an out-of-town event or locking yourself in your house for an entire weekend so you can stay in your PJs without brushing your hair or your teeth. It’s fine! SLOW DOWN and feel confident that by not over-committing, you are doing a great service to yourself and your family.

5. Find time for the things YOU love!
Let go of the guilt and breathe, hand the kids over to your husband, and lock the bathroom door. Fill up the tub with warm water, crank up some music, and R E L A X. It’s okay. He can handle it, I swear, and he may even appreciate you more when you emerge from your “you time.”
You can only care for your family if you are feeling well yourself. Think about what you need to be whole and well.
For me, it’s a hot bath with the aroma of lavender filling the air, a massage, wholesome food, and finding time to create things. Whatever it is… DO IT. Don’t put it off. You deserve an hour to yourself every now and then so indulge!
Just Remember: Moms, you are doing a great job! Keep it up. We need you, we love you, and we support you! Make sure you return the favor to yourself. You are perfect just as you are!
How do you plan to practice self-love today and beyond?!
We’d love to hear your takeaways and observations in the comments!
We’d love to hear your takeaways and observations in the comments!
Beets and Okra is a blog created by a DIY crazed mom who loves to be creative. I am Andi and I live in western North Carolina with my husband, baby boy, and two silly dogs. I love to spend my time cooking, mixing up beauty ‘concoctions’, designing party decor, cards, and invitations. I have a bizarre obsession with coconut oil and essential oils. My blog is for those of us who just like to give things a whirl and let that creative side open up! If you are looking for creative outlets or ways to pamper yourself, head over to for all things DIY.
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» 5 Ways To Practice Self-Love (Part 1) & 5 Ways To Practice Self-Love (Part 2)
» Food As Love: 5 Ways to Love Yourself w/ Food (Guest Post)
» 5 Ways To Practice Self-Love with Art (Guest Post)
» 5 Ways To Practice Self-Love (Part 1) & 5 Ways To Practice Self-Love (Part 2)
» Food As Love: 5 Ways to Love Yourself w/ Food (Guest Post)
» 5 Ways To Practice Self-Love with Art (Guest Post)
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