[Let's learn photoshop together]

This was my first experiment.

This was my second experiment

The above video is a pretty basic assessment of how layers work together.

Larger Version
With the next installment of "Let's learn photoshop together", I would love to include links to the photos in which you applied your newfound skill (so send them to me!). Especially if you used the concrete texture above. I myself have yet to use it with a photo, so I'll create one as well. This is not meant to be a challenge , and should only interest people who have photoshop (or an equivalent) and are looking to further their knowledge of the program. If you have any friends, bring them too!
Do you think something like this will be helpful to you? Are you interested in playing along?
Any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated.
P.S. The next one will not be nearly as long!!
A month or so ago I started experimenting with photoshop beyond the normal, everyday adjustments I used the program for. It all started with my pursuit to merge a photo with a piece of scrapbook paper containing text.

This was my first experiment.
I quickly realized that layers are the most powerful tool that photoshop has to offer.
Once you harness the dynamics of layers, you will begin to understand all that is possible when you learn to use this function properly.
When I initially had the urge to learn how to use layers, all I really knew was that
I wanted to apply a texture to a photo. At the time, I didn't know what to look for when attempting to figure it out. After many searches, I finally discovered that I needed to learn how to use layers to assist me with what I had in mind. Finding resources on using layers is a lot easier than trying to find something that will teach you how to add texture. Essentially, it is the same thing.

This was my second experiment
When I first started I really only learned the bottom of the barrel basics. I was so eager to start that I didn't really take enough time to learn properly. A lot of what I accomplished was by trial and error. Video tutorials are what have helped me the most, as well as books that have accompanying photos. It's no surprise that I learn the most from visual media. You can explain something to me all day long but, until I see it, I probably don't fully understand! Cody knows this better than anybody :o)

Using layers is also good for those who aren't interested in adding texture, because it allows you to make non-destructive changes to your original photo. I have found this rather helpful video on using layers that I think will help anyone interested in learning more about photoshop. If you use Paint Shop Pro, the concept is the same but, the steps won't be exact. It is a somewhat long, but definitely worth what you will learn so take the time to view it. He's not as boring as some people who host videos, which makes it a bit easier to pay attention. His way of explaining layers by using a sandwich is very clever, and easy to understand.
The above video is a pretty basic assessment of how layers work together.
Below is another video I found to be equally interesting and informative, but a little more in depth. What I propose is that you watch the video in it's entirety.
Then actually go in and try out what you have learned with the video close by so that you can reference it.
The photo below of the concrete texture is my gift to you.
Please use it to add texture to a photo you have, and share the results.
Pick a photo from your hard drive, save my concrete texture so that you can open it up in photoshop. Apply the texture using what you learned about layers, and manipulate it in whatever way fits with the photo. If you have any questions whatsoever, please post them here in the comment section and I will reply.

Larger Version
I know it would be better if I could do my own tutorials but doing so would take time away from my ability to produce what I envision. With that being said, I still want to help you in your pursuit to learn more about the seemingly scary world of photoshop. I have gotten many inquires about how I did something to a particular photo, which sparked my idea of us learning photoshop together. I am no where near being an expert, but I feel it's necessary to share what I have learned with you, so that in the process we can teach one another and offer support. I already have a few topics that I will cover, but I welcome any suggestions or interests you have as well.
With the next installment of "Let's learn photoshop together", I would love to include links to the photos in which you applied your newfound skill (so send them to me!). Especially if you used the concrete texture above. I myself have yet to use it with a photo, so I'll create one as well. This is not meant to be a challenge , and should only interest people who have photoshop (or an equivalent) and are looking to further their knowledge of the program. If you have any friends, bring them too!
Do you think something like this will be helpful to you? Are you interested in playing along?
Any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated.
P.S. The next one will not be nearly as long!!