
I found some sunshine...

I found some sunshine...

The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness.
You have to catch it yourself.
~Benjamin Franklin~

After a lazy day on Saturday, Cody and I redeemed our weekend
by going to a Renaissance Festival today, we had soooo much fun!
I hope to have some photos from todays excursion by the end of this week.
I also have a field trip to Chimney Rock in the works - that was last weekends outing.
Between getting all these photos together, I have other preparations that need to be made
for a trip back to my hometown for Thanksgiving. I am really looking forward to seeing my
family and friends......its been a year since I've been back home!!!
It's going to be a busy week!

In other news:
The giveaway will be closed as of midnight tonight.
I will most likely announce the winners on Tuesday.

Also, take the Ecological Footprint Quiz.
I did - click to see my results!

Article: 7 Misconceptions about plastic & plastic recycling.

Interested in learning about various green alternatives available to you?
Here is a list of projects that offer recommendations based
on a particular area of your home or simply explore.
Low Impact Living : Green Projects

I hope you all found your own bit of sunshine this weekend,
I know I did :o)